Monday 9 March 2015

Penny Bridge School

This morning I went along to Penny Bridge School to take the assembly.  After singing Creator God I ask the children if they knew who the first people on earth were - Adam and Eve came the answer, next I asked if they knew the meaning of their names - I needed to give them a clue, Eve means first woman.  So I then asked what Adam means - first man they got it.  I then explained that I was going to tell them the story of Adam and Eve in the garden and about Eve's encounter with the snake.  After the story I pointed out that Adam, blamed Eve and Eve blamed the snake for their down fall.  I explained that this is not good, they had both been disobedient and then tried to blame someone else.  I continued to tell the children what happened to Adam and Eve and about how they would need to work hard in the future in order for them to eat the produce of the ground.  I asked the children to think what the world might be like if that hadn't of happened; there would be no fighting, no war, no-one would be hungry, people would love each other and live in peace as God had planned it in the first place.  I linked this to Easter and said that it is not all about Easter bunnies and chocolate eggs but about God sending Jesus in love to save the world because we have done things wrong.  We then sang I Love You and I closed with a prayer.

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