Monday 9 March 2015

Pennington School

This afternoon I went to Pennington School for the assembly.  We started by singing Creator God then I told the Adam and Eve story telling the children how Eve was tricked into eating the fruit from the tree of good and bad and giving some to Adam this was wrong.  I asked the children what the world might have been like if they had not  done this and mentioned a few things like there would be no fighting, no wars, peace would rest on the earth, everyone would have enough to eat and everyone would get along with each other.  When I told the children that God asked Adam and Eve to leave the garden it was because they had done wrong and disobeyed his instructions but also they blame someone else.  To link in with Easter I talked a bit about God sending Jesus as a saviour for the world and reminded the children that Easter is not all about chocolate and Easter bunnies.  To close we sang I Love You and I finished with a prayer.

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