Monday 1 June 2015

Pennington School

This afternoon I went along to Pennington School for the assembly.  Following the song So Many Ways to Praise the Lord I displayed a number of optical illusions.  I had explained that sometimes we see something while someone else sees something different hence optical illusions.  The children looked for black dots that weren't there and lines that looked as if they would meet but couldn't or a 4,5,6 or 7 legged elephant and tried to work out if they could see an old women or a young lady or even both!  This all led to the telling or retelling of the story about Samuel following God's instruction anointing David to be King.  As the 7 older brothers of David had stood before Samuel he looked at the outside while God looked deep down inside them into their heart.  All 7 looked like kings but God said no to each one then young David stood there and God said yes! he's the one he loves me, he trusts me and he follows me.  David became the greatest King Israel had ever had.  The lesson was simple man looks on the outside while God can looks on the inside.  We should shine out  from the inside out.  Cue for a final song Shine following the song I said a prayer.

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