Tuesday 7 June 2016

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I were at Low Furness School for the assembly.  Nearly half the school were out on residential so it was a very small assembly with only a few from Key Stage 2 and all of Key Stage 1.  We decided to ask the children what song they would like to sing and they asked for the Chicken Dance so we agreed to sing it at the end of the assembly.  To start off though we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  Sarah had given everyone a pipe cleaner when they came into the hall and now she showed them how to make it into a fish shape.  Once everyone had done that I told the story of the feeding of the 5000 using a Big Ministries book.  This story had trigger words which the children could respond to like fish so they held up their fish pipe cleaner.  After the story I just talked about how amazing God and Jesus are in the miracles they are still doing today - like when a seed is planted in the ground and grows into a big flower.  I also reminded them about the number of fish and bread Jesus used to feed the 5000 and about how much was left over.  After this we did sing the Chicken Dance song and I then closed with a short prayer.  I also did a quick talk about the Urswick Holiday Club.

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