Monday 20 June 2016

Pennington School Transition Lesson and Assembly

This afternoon I along with Vic, Tommy, Emily and Lisa went to Pennington School for the year 6 transition lesson and assembly.  The lesson went really well as the children of year 6 moved around various stations set up in the hall and looked at different aspects of moving on to secondary school.  Each child was given a booklet to help them.  They also saw a video of three young people who made the move to secondary school two years ago and they talked about some of the issue they thought they might face.  After the lesson we went on to do the assembly for the whole school.  We started with introductions and then did a short drama based on Daniel and his move to Babylon.  After the drama Vic did a summing up of some of the things Daniel would have faced as he moved to a new place.  We then sang Great Big God and closed the assembly with a prayer.

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