Thursday 21 September 2017

Flookburgh School

This morning I travelled down to do an assembly at Flookburgh School, it was great to be back in the school with all the lovely children and staff.  I started the assembly with Help Me Be Your Eyes Lord Jesus then talked to the children about what we use our eyes for and how when we looked around the hall we could see so many different things, but we can use our eyes for other types of looking too!  I then told the feeding 5000 story and pointed out that the small boy had looked around and seen that there was a problem (no food) and used his hands to hand over his small lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fish.  Jesus took that small amount lifted it in his hands, blessed it and handed it to the disciples to hand out.  Everyone got fed.  The boy didn't know what Jesus would do with his lunch when he handed it over the point is he looked at the problem and did something to help.  I encouraged the children to look around them at school, at home, in the community and beyond for something they could perhaps do to help others.  We sang the song again this time with the words displayed on the screen.  I closed with a short prayer.

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