Thursday 28 September 2017

Our Lady's School Dalton

This morning Sarah and I went to Our Lady's School for the first assembly of the new school year.  We introduced them to a new song Help Me Be Your Eyes Lord Jesus as the words reflected what we wanted to talk about today.  Once again Sarah did all the talking my throat is better but just needed it resting a little longer.  Sarah told the story of the small boy who came to Jesus with 5 small barley loaves and two fish when the disciples wanted to send the crowd of 5000 men plus women plus children away.  Jesus used the boys small offering and fed them all.  Sarah pointed out that the small amount of food would just about feed 5 of the reception class, and what Jesus did was a miracle - but it started with a small boy looking at a problem and doing something to help.  Sarah encouraged the children to use their eyes to look around and see where they could help out in school, at home and outside of school in the community.  We finished with Shine before closing with a prayer.

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