Thursday 26 April 2018

Flookburgh School

This morning I went down to do the assembly at Flookburgh School.  I started by asking if they had had a good Easter holiday - I know is seems like ages ago now but it fitted in with what I was going to say.  I mentioned that when we go away we very often stay over to break the journey up in either a Travel Lodge or a Premier Inn.  The children I said prefer the Premier Inn as you get eat as much as you like breakfast.  This led into me asking them where they have eaten breakfast that might be unusual.  I got a number of answer including a sheep pen.  I then asked for hands up if they had eaten breakfast on the beach, with an open fire and had fish - slowly the hands went down.  This linked into the story of Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus, Peter and the rest of the disciples.  I explained first how Peter had let Jesus down by saying three times he didn't know him.  After the breakfast Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him and each time Peter said yes he did - I pointed out to the children that this was Jesus forgiving Peter for what he had done.  Jesus also asked Peter to led the disciples and to look after them.  I went on to explain that if we do things wrong Jesus will forgive us when we say sorry for what we did.  I also pointed out that Peter went on to lead the church after the events of Pentecost when Peter told thousands about Jesus - he was shinning from the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song I finished with a prayer.

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