Thursday, 31 May 2012

BX Lesson 5 at St Peters

This afternoon I have completed Bible Explorer at St Peters.  The final part is about the exile, the story of Daniel and then Esther.  In between we fill in some of the names of the kings and the names of some of the people that returned to Judah.  The end comes with a touch of sadness as the children want to go on to the New Testament then to find out what happens next - but I say that is another story.  I have enjoyed the 5 weeks I have spent with the children and I feel the children have enjoyed it too.  My next BX lesson though is just around the corner after half term when I will start it all over again.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

St Peters

Today Sarah and I went over to St Peters Ireleth to take the assembly.  We sang a very quick song - Inright Outright to start before Sarah introduced the story for the day which was Pentecost.  She asked if anyone knew what last Sunday was and someone did.  I then went through some actions with the children which formed part of the refrain in the story.  We used one of Bob Hartmans stories, and as usual I did change my voice a few times during the story and added a bit of expression on some of the words.  Following the story which basically tells of the Holy Spirit coming I went on to explain a little more about it.  To help me I had a photograph of Bertie the Clown - but it was all dirty, I also had a sponge - when I tried to clear the picture with the sponge it wouldn't work.  I also had a second sponge which I then put into some water which filled the sponge up.  The two sponges looked the same but one was filled and the other wasn't.  Using the filled sponge I then cleaned the picture.  I told the children that once the disciples and followers of Jesus were filled with His Holy Spirit it enabled them to do the job that they were meant to do which was to tell people everywhere about Jesus.  Sarah then told the children that when we are filled then we shine out Jesus' love which was a cue for another song - Shine.  At the end of the song we said a prayer, then we got asked to sing another song so we sang Giants of Faith.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Low Furness School

Today we went to Low Furness School to take the assembly.  The theme being Pentecost so following a quick song 'Inright Outright' I told the story of Pentecost from a Bob Hartman book.  As is usual with Bob's story there is a refrain which the children can respond to and this one had actions too.  So Sarah led the refrain at the right time and the children followed the words on the big screen.  The story told of the disciples waiting and praying for the present Jesus had promised - His Holy Spirit.  It went on to tell the children what the crowd said following the Holy Spirit coming, particularly when they heard the disciples speaking in different languages.  Following the story I talked briefly to the children about when I washed the car with a sponge, if you try to wash with a dry sponge it doesn't have much affect but when you put water on it and it is filled - it might look the same but now it can do what it is meant to do - wash things.  And the coming of the Holy Spirit is a bit like that, in the sense that we look no different on the outside but inside we are full and that enables us to do what Jesus wanted us to do which was to tell the world about him.  Sarah then concluded and said that when we do that we can shine out God's love - which was a cue for a song - 'Shine'  After the song Sarah said a short prayer with the children.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Lesson 4 BX St Peters

Had a great afternoon over at St Peters telling the stories of Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.  The children's hands were going up each time I went near to my prop box.  I had children dressing as Hannah, Saul, David and Solomon as well as a donkey (confused read 1 Samuel 9) I dressed up too but only briefly.  We have covered the history and story up to Israel being scattered which will be next weeks story.  There is always a '...can you tell us what happens next...' at the end of each week which I find a great encouragement in that they want to know more.  Can't wait until next week when I tell them the final part.  I do need to think about getting trained to do the New Testament soon.

Our Lady's School

This morning I went to take the assembly at Our Lady's.  We started with a quick song as I wanted to teach the children Giants of Faith.  So following Inright Outright I displayed some words on the screen for the children to shout out during the story.  They appear to be quiet random and they were in the wrong order, I asked if anyone who work out what the story might be, one little boy thought he did but soon put his hand down again.  So I started the story which was taken from a Bob Hartman book of stories and it repeats each line three times and at the end of some lines the children need to shout out one of the words.  They really enjoyed the shouting part as they listened to the next line and working out what word to shout next.  The story tells of Jesus walking on the water and Peter stepping out to join him.  At the end of the story I talk a little about trusting Jesus as Peter had done and like Peter if we take our eyes of him we can too start to sink.  I also said that when we trust we have faith and I then introduced them to the giants of faith in the song Giants of Faith.  Following that I said a short prayer.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Sir John Barrow School - Juniors

This afternoon we went to take an assembly for the Junior part of the school.  We did the same assembly as we did last week for the Infants but used playing cards instead of wooden blocks.  Two children came out and tried to build a tower using the base of cards I had already started.  Several times in fell down, and a few times they tried to build themselves but in the end they needed to work together.  Sarah used two other children to read a part of the Bible were the disciples were talking about who the greatest person was in them.  Sarah used the examples to talk about relationships and working together in a team to help each other out.  We sang Shine as a final song before I read a short prayer.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon we went over to Crosthwaite School to take the assembly.  We asked the children what song they would like  to sing and they picked Shine.  Following the song I told them the story of Jesus walking on the water and Peter stepping out of the boat to join him.  We all know what happen Peter stopped trusting in Jesus as he stood on the water and started to sink and Jesus held out a hand to him and helped him back into the boat.  The story was read from a Bob Hartman book of Bible stories and it repeats the same line three times and at the end of some of the lines the children need to shout out a response.  The children really got into the story as I was telling it.  I followed the story with a short word about trusting Jesus as Peter had done at first but then took his eye of Jesus and then sank - but Jesus helped him.  I told the children that we should try to put our trust in Jesus and when things get tough and we start to sink we should call out to Jesus (prayer) and he will help us through.  Sarah then made the link between trust and faith as we got ready to sing Giants of Faith.  In the end we sang it twice.  We ended the assembly with a prayer.

Croftlands Junior School

This morning we went to Croftlands Juniors and told the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus.  I read the story from a Bob Hartman book which uses an interesting technique in that each line is repeated 3 times but each time a different voice of expression is used.  Also the children have some responses to made at the end of some of the lines which gets them involved with the story as well.  At the end of the talk I talked about Jesus and Peter being the only men to ever walk on water - then I said I know you may have seen people doing it on TV but they are magicians and what they are doing is an illusion.  I spoke about how Peter trusted Jesus when he asked him to step out of the boat but as Peter stopped trusting then he started to sink and it was Jesus who helped him back into the boat.  For the children I said that they should trust Jesus and when tough or hard times come as they do then they should continue to look to Jesus and pray and he will reach out to help them too as he did with Peter.  Sarah then made the connection to the song by saying that when we trust something we put our faith in it like so many people from the Bible did.  Which brought us into our song Giants of Faith.  I concluded the assembly with a prayer.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Penny Bridge School

Today at Penny Bridge School we have introduced the children to the new song 'Giants of Faith' following our assembly talk.  I told the story of Peter walking out on the water to meet with Jesus.  The story was told using a Bob Hartman book which repeats each line 3 times.  The children also get involved by responding at the end of some of the lines.  We displayed some key words on the screen in the wrong order and as I read the story and paused the children had to respond.  As the story moved on the children got more and more into the idea and waited for the next response.  At the end I talked a little about trusting Jesus in all things and then Sarah said that we can call trusting - faith and talked a little about faith.  Then we sang Giants of Faith before I finished with a prayer.

Pennington School

Today I went to Pennington school to take the assembly.  The children were pleased to see me as they came into the hall.  To start with I did a short song as I wanted to teach them Giants of Faith at the end.  The story today was a Bob Hartman one about Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat to walk to him.  However each line of the story is repeated 3 times and there is also a response that the children can shout out at the end of some of the lines.  Each of the response words rhyme which make the story all the more interesting.  I displayed the words on the screen and read them through with the children but I didn't have them in the right order so they had to think a bit as well, and as these lines are repeated 3 times as well it gave the younger children the chance to join in as well.  The basis of the story is that we should put our trust in Jesus and keep our eyes fixed on him because when we don't we like Peter will start to sink.  I told the children this message at the end.  Then I introduced them to Giants of Faith which they picked up really well and joined in with at the end.  I finished the assembly with a prayer.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Messy Church - Methodist Church Ulverston

This afternoon Sarah and I along with the family went to take part in the 2nd Messy Church held at the Methodist Church in Ulverston.  We had a great time, the children did too.  I was there doing what I do dressed up as I do in funny trousers and bright laces in my shoes with my bowler hat.  I greeted people as they came in and did a few card tricks to the adults and children as they played or sat around in the church.  In the other rooms there was crafts going on and PSP games etc.  Sarah and I had been asked once again to do the worship bit as well as the short message.  We sang two songs before Sarah introduced the children to Gary.  Gary was I have to say a little sad as his signed photo of Bertie the Clown had got all dirty.  His mum had suggested he clean it with a sponge but it was still dirty.  Sarah asked him if he had put water on the sponge - No came the reply as I'll get wet.  So Sarah asked a child to help and wet the sponge and then clean the picture, which she did.  So Gary was happy again and dashed off to find Bertie.  Meanwhile I talked to the children and adults about the sponge and how it needed something to help it do what it is meant to do - water.  I held up a wet and dry sponge and physically they looked the same but one was wet and full of water while the other was dry as a bone.  I went on to tell the children that in a few days time in churches we would be celebrating Pentecost which is the time of year when we remember Jesus' special helper the Holy Spirit coming down on the followers of Jesus, and it was the Holy Spirit that then enabled them to do what Jesus intended them to do - spread the gospel message.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Lesson 5 BX Croftlands Juniors

This afternoon I went to Croftlands Junior School to present the last lesson of Bible Explorer.  It was great the children really enjoyed themselves (and so did I).  We had to cover the lost of Israel to the King of Assyria then the exile of Judah followed by the take over of Judah by the Persians and along the way we heard about Daniel and Esther plus a few others.  The children then at the end of the lesson stood up and did all the hand signs all the way back to lesson 1.  I hope that they have learnt something from it that they will take with them for a long time to come.  I guess I'll have to learn the New Testament next - looking forward to it.

Lesson 3 BX at St Peters

Yesterday afternoon I was once again at St Peters and it wasn't raining.  This weeks story was about Joshua and the judges and finished with Ruth so we covered 3 books of the Bible and about 500 years of history.  We focus on 3 of the judges the only female judge Deborah, then God's mighty warrior Gideon and finally Samson.  The children responded well to the lesson with lots of enthusiastic hands going up each time I walked towards my prop box.  The children can't wait until next week to hear the rest of the story particularly as the end of this week we leave them with a cliff hanger of Ruth and .... They want to know the .... person. Well they will discover that person next week.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Sir John Barrow School

This afternoon Sarah and I went down to Sir John Barrow School to take an assembly for the infants.  We introduced ourselves and asked if anyone had seen us before and some of the children had from last years holiday club.  We introduced them to Great Big God which some of them already knew before we asked two boys out to have a go at building a tall tower from blocks.  I had already started the tower and I told the boys to work together which they didn't do at first as they both started their own towers.  They eventually got the idea and built a rather tall tower which eventually fell down.  Sarah then went on to talk about the disciples of Jesus and how they sometimes didn't work together and sometimes they argued about stuff.  Sarah asked two other children to read a short script about the disciples falling out when they wanted to know who was the greatest.  Sarah went on to say how important it is for us all to get along and to try and work out our differences because that is what Jesus would want us to do.  I then said a short prayer and we finished with Shine.

St Peters

This morning I went through to St Peters to take the assembly.  After singing Shine to start with I asked who had brothers or sisters in the school and several people put there hands up.  I picked two boys - brothers one older than the other.  I asked them to complete the building of a playing card tower I had started.  Meanwhile I talked to the rest of the school about the 12 disciples and how they had left their homes, jobs and families to follow Jesus.  I also told them that the disciples didn't always get on with each other just like sometimes we don't get on either.  I asked the children who didn't get on with their brother or sister and a number of hands went up.  I asked two girls to come out and act out a scene about the disciples - it was the one when the disciples wanted to be next to Jesus in heaven and about who was the greatest.  I then went on to talk to the two boys building the tower which by this time had fallen down and pointed out to the school that we should all try hard to get along with each other and to work as a team, helping each other and looking out for each other in everything we do - just as Jesus would want us to do.  I finished with a prayer and Inright Outright.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Croftlands Infant School

This afternoon we took Gary along to the school to talk to the children. Gary was a bit delayed getting out to the front as he had fallen over a big book which he had taken off the top shelf.  Sarah asked him about it as it was the big family Bible, she asked if he had got it down to read from.  But Gary replied NO as he needed it to stand on.  Sarah told him he would be better off reading it than standing on it.  He asked why so Sarah told him about all the good things in the Bible and about why we should read it.  She also pointed out some bible story books that the school had on display at the front of the hall.  Gary decided to leave so he could read his Bible.  Sarah then asked the children what their favourite Bible stories were and she got a number of interesting answers which Sarah carefully and skillfully dealt with.  All in all it was a great time with the children.

Low Furness School

This morning the theme given to us by the school was relationships.  So we talked about the relationship the disciples had with each other and about how they argued about who was the greatest.  Sarah got some twins out to help at the front.  I gave them a jumbo pack of cards and encouraged them to work together and build a tower.  I did start it off for them and showed them what to do, and they did start off well then one of them knocked a card and the whole thing crashed down. And as siblings do one blamed the other.  Meanwhile Sarah is talking to the rest of the school about the disciples and how they got on for most of the time but there are times recorded in the gospels were they thought they were better than someone else etc.  Sarah then called out two other twins and got them to read between them the words that the disciples said with regard to being the number one disciple.  And the boys continued to ... build the tower.  Sarah concluded the assembly by asking the children what they should be like with regard to their friends and classmates.  I finished with a prayer and as it is SATS week we didn't sing a second song but sent the children out for fresh air and a run around.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Abbot Hall Hotel - St Lukes weekend away

We have had a lovely weekend down at Abbot Hall Hotel with my mum and dad's church.  They had invited us down to take part in the concert on Saturday night as well as to preach on Sunday morning.  A number of people from the church did things in the concert and both Grace and Martha took part too.  Grace played her flute and sang some pieces from Annie while Martha performed a magic routine.  I was last on and did a magic show with a gospel message at the end.  We didn't stay over night so it was gone 11 when we got in on Saturday.  Then it was up early and out to take part in the Sunday service at 10am.  Following a few songs I got up to talk about the work of Jester for Jesus Ministries and how the work has increased over the past two years.  We then gave them an example of an assembly before I offered a challenged to them of stepping out in faith, just as Peter had done (which was the story we did for the children).  Although we slept at home it very much felt like we had been away with them for the weekend.  A great time.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Bible Explorer Lesson 4 Croftlands Juniors

This afternoon I had a great time at Croftlands Junior school with the year 5's doing lesson 4 of Bible Explorer.  This afternoon's lesson focused on the 3 kings of the United Kingdom Saul, David and Solomon.  It also touches on the life of Samuel as the last Judge, Prophet and leader of Israel.  The lesson ends as the land is divided into Northern Israel and Southern Judah and the 19 kings that ruled Israel not following God and the 8 Kings out of 20 that followed God in Judah.  The children happily joined int the lesson with lots of hands going up for the various parts to play.  The children also managed to remember all the hand signs from the previous three weeks lessons as well.  Next week is the last lesson with them so we will complete the story then.  The children can't wait and neither can I as I love the story of Esther.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Bible Explorer St Peters lesson 2

When I arrived today ready to take lesson 2 which is the story of Moses, I felt a bit like Noah as the road outside the school was like a river and I don't think I could have got any wetter if I had stood under a shower.  Despite all this we had a great time with the children.  It started for me when the kids went YES!! as I arrived in their class room.  I recapped the story from last week and went over the hand signs before turning to my Bible and reading the very last verse of Genesis.  Then I asked the children to watch as I turn the page over - they watched and then I said did you see it - to which they said No! so I did it again and asked them again did you see it again they said No! well I said when I turn over the page we jump 400years to the start of Exodus.  So then I went on with the lesson and told them all about Moses and at the end we did the hand signs from Creation through to Dies as Moses passes away.  Great day - great fun can't wait for next week.

Windermere Juniors

This Morning we travelled up to Windermere Juniors to take the assembly.  We started with 'So Many Ways to Praise the Lord' before Mark told the story of Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat to walk with him.  We used the Bob Hartman version of the story which repeats each line three times, but each time you can put a different emphasis on it.  So if the line was about being frighten then you could using a voice that sounded as if you were scared.  Also there was some audience interaction as some of the lines required the children to respond, so we displayed a number of key words that the children could use to finish the sentence.  At the end of the story Sarah talked to the children about faith and about trusting God and Jesus.  Sarah also spoke to the year 6 children with regard to their SAT tests next week and how they can ask for help by praying to Jesus about them.  The assembly finished by introducing the children to a new song 'Gaints of Faith' then Mark said a prayer.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Broughton CE School

This morning we paid our first visit to Broughton CE School.  As it was our first ever visit we took Gary along with us.  We started by singing Great Big God as some schools know this song already and it is a bit of an old favourite.  Then Sarah introduced Gary to the children.  However he was having a little trouble getting to his window and there was a bit of a noise and his house did wobble a bit and then he appeared.  Sarah asked him what he had been doing.  Gary said 'Do you know that big book on the top shelf' Sarah - yes the big family Bible.  Gary - well it's no longer on the top shelf.  Sarah - good have you taken it down to read it then Gary?  Gary - no .... I needed it to stand on so I could see the children.  Then Sarah asked him to say hello to everyone and so Gary did - each individual child in the hall, Sarah stopped him and told him to give one big hello so Gary did by saying a long HHHHHHHeeeeeeellllllllllooooooooooooow to everyone.  Sarah then told him that standing on the Bible was perhaps not the best thing to do he would be better off reading it.  Gary asked why as the one he was standing on was very old and dusty.  So Sarah told him and everyone else what was in the Bible using flash cards.  So we had creation, history, famous people, music and song, stories, prayers, what to do if we are sad as well as showing us about God's love.  Gary decided that he would not stand on the Bible in future but read it instead.  He went off to read and then we sang 'Shine' before Sarah ended the assembly with a prayer.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Millom Community Fun Day

Despite what all the weather people said about today the weather was not bad.  Sarah and I along with the family travelled over to Millom to help them in their Fun Day organised by the church's in Millom.  We planned to do 3 magic shows and a slot with Gary.  We had a great time.  The first show was packed out with lots of children as well as adults.  Gary did his party piece by saying hello to everyone in the room as they gathered to watch and listen to a story, Sarah told the story of Jesus healing the blind man on the Sabbath.  We have done it as a school assembly lots of times since Easter.  This was followed by me telling the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus.  I then took a rat trap and drew a rat on a piece of brown card, the trap snapped shut on the card rat and then I invited someone from the audience up to touch the trap once it was reset.  Having just seen it go off with a loud snap no-one was willing to do it eventually one man said he would and .... you need to see the trick.  But it is a good example of trust and faith.  So I told the audience that we should be like Peter and trust in Jesus and put our faith in Him.  Shows 3 and 4 followed with a Gospel message after each although the last show of the day was nearly all Gospel stuff.  A great day as enjoy by all.  Praise God.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Bible Explorer Lesson 3 Croftlands

Had a great time this afternoon talking about Joshua, Judges and Ruth with the year 5's at Croftlands.  Some of the children were a little concerned that they had forgotten the earlier hand signs so we did a very quick run through at the start with a slight pause after lesson 1 signs just to catch breath before doing the lesson 2 signs.  Then on with the story of Joshua and what he did then into Judges with just 3 judges to focus on Deborah, Gideon and Samson.  Leaving Judges behind we went into the small book of Ruth and told her story finish with her marriage to Boaz.  To end the lesson we did a very quick run through this time without a pause of all the hand signs.  Children say they can't wait until next weeks lesson.  I know how they feel.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

St Peters Ireleth BX Lesson 1

This afternoon I have been over to St Peters to take the first Bible Explorer lesson.  Well what can I say - I enjoyed it! and I have a great feeling that the children enjoyed it too.  I managed to complete the whole lesson with a little time to spare at the end.  I had children dressed up as builders with hard hats and high viz jackets for the tower of Babel story, Had them in fits of laughter at the thought of Adam and Eve running about without clothes once they had eaten from the tree.  I also had a very sad Joseph in prison in Egypt who soon became overjoyed as he rose to be PM.  I had them laughing at the little boy called Laughter - Issac.  It went so well and the children were brilliant, I got one complaint and that was when I stopped at the end of the Joseph Story.  Children and teacher all looking forward to next weeks lesson.

Parish Fellowship afternoon

Yesterday afternoon I was invited along to the Parish Fellowship at Ulverston Parish Church.  The ladies there wanted to know a little about the work Sarah and I do for Jester for Jesus.  I started by talking about my mum as it was her that first took me to church (while dad worked shift work) and that I had seen a church physically being built.  However I had a dislike for Sunday School and most weeks would try by whatever method I could to avoid going.  I would cry, push my finger through the loop of my coat and then twist the coat round so tight my finger would turn white, I kicked the teacher and may have even bite them once.  Through all of this mum and dad persevered with me when they could have so easily given up and to them I am most grateful.  I also talked about the story Jesus told about the lost son and how he did some really bad things but despite all of them his father was looking for him and that father figure is God Our Father and he looks for us to make a U turn.  I also talked about the lost generation of people, these are people mainly children that have no concept of God, Jesus the Bible or church - why because they have not been brought up with it as their parents didn't go to church as children.  I went on to say about our work and it is because we have a lost generation that we do what we do in schools, church fun days, school events, Bible Explorer etc.  I encouraged the ladies to pray for us as we continue to have doors opened to us particularly in schools.  I had a great time and I hope that the ladies did too.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

St Peters

Our visit to St Peters today was great.  We introduced the children to a new song 'Gaint of Faith' before telling the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus.  We used a Bob Hartman story from his 'Telling the Bible over 100 Stories to read out loud'. Each line is repeated 3 times and each time you can use a different voice or express it in a different way. As always with assemblies we would like to involve the children so a set of words that all rhyme were displayed on the screen but not necessarily in the right order for the story at the end of the line I paused to allow the children to say the word   - the words were; BOO, PHEW, CANOE, YOU,TWO, SHOE, OH POO WOO HOO IT'S TRUE So for example I read 'That ghost looks like Jesus,' said Peter to his friends. (repeated 3 times) then I say - And all his friends were relieved - ..... the children should respond with PHEW!  At the end of the talk I spoke to the children a little about Peter as well as about boats and about how difficult it would have been for Peter to step out onto the water.  I told the children that Peter had to trust Jesus, although it might have been scary.  I continued by talking about a chair we sit on them all the time and we trust that it will hold our weight but stepping out onto water is much harder and requires a lot of trust and faith.  But if we take our eyes of Jesus as Peter did then we start to sink just like Peter did, only to be rescued by Jesus.  It is quite a difficult concept to get across to children about faith and trust God for things and it might trigger questions in their minds in the future - I hope so and pray so.  To end we sang Inright Outright Sarah then closed the assembly with a prayer.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Low Furness School

Today we used a Bob Hartman story from his 'Telling the Bible over 100 Stories to read out loud'.  It tells the story of Peter walking on the water but each line is repeated 3 times and each time you can use a different voice or express it in a different way.  It is a technique that we saw Bob use at Spring Harvest at Easter - in fact Sarah and I went to a workshop and Bob told this story.  The children were shown a set of words that all rhyme and they had to guess to see if they knew which story we were telling before we started.  Then as I read the story I paused at the end of each line to allow the children to respond with one of the words - the words were; BOO, PHEW, CANOE, YOU,TWO, SHOE, OH POO WOO HOO IT'S TRUE So for example I read 'That ghost looks like Jesus,' said Peter to his friends. (repeated 3 times) then I say - And all his friends were relieved - ..... the children should respond with PHEW!  Then at the end I talked to the children about Jesus and how he had called him as a fisherman (story told yesterday in school) and the walking on the water was in a way part of his training to put his trust and faith in Jesus, and as long as he kept his eye on Jesus he was on the water but as soon as he got worried he was in the water.  I then tried to encourage the children to put their trust and faith in Jesus.  We sang Giants of Faith to start this morning and at the end the children asked for it again.  Sarah then closed the assembly with a prayer.