Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Low Furness School

Today we went to Low Furness School to take the assembly.  The theme being Pentecost so following a quick song 'Inright Outright' I told the story of Pentecost from a Bob Hartman book.  As is usual with Bob's story there is a refrain which the children can respond to and this one had actions too.  So Sarah led the refrain at the right time and the children followed the words on the big screen.  The story told of the disciples waiting and praying for the present Jesus had promised - His Holy Spirit.  It went on to tell the children what the crowd said following the Holy Spirit coming, particularly when they heard the disciples speaking in different languages.  Following the story I talked briefly to the children about when I washed the car with a sponge, if you try to wash with a dry sponge it doesn't have much affect but when you put water on it and it is filled - it might look the same but now it can do what it is meant to do - wash things.  And the coming of the Holy Spirit is a bit like that, in the sense that we look no different on the outside but inside we are full and that enables us to do what Jesus wanted us to do which was to tell the world about him.  Sarah then concluded and said that when we do that we can shine out God's love - which was a cue for a song - 'Shine'  After the song Sarah said a short prayer with the children.

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