Thursday, 16 January 2014

Leven Valley

Following the assembly at Our Lady's we went down to Leven Valley school.  Sarah started the assembly by wishing everyone a happy new year.  To start the assembly we sang God's love is bigger than a Burger.  I then did a bit of shirt changing as a way into the assembly story.  The story was from Genesis 37 - Joseph's coat.  I settled for a brightly coloured waist coat to tell the story in.  I pretended to be Joseph and told how Jacob had given him the coat and how Joseph was a dreamer.  I also spoke about his capture and about being sold as a slave.  During the story I used the word jealous to describe what the brothers felt about Joseph, Sarah picked up on this word and asked the children questions about it.  The children said jealousy can make you fell cross and angry, sad and annoyed, unhappy.  Sarah used these words to talk about us and about how we shouldn't feel jealousy towards anyone else because it can bring about bad feelings.  She linked in with Christmas and how we can feel a bit jealous when our friends have something we don't have.  But she said no matter we are all special to God.  Which linked very nicely with out next song, Touch a finger, after this I said a prayer and then we sang God can do anything as we had some time left over.

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