Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Low Furness School

This morning we were at Low Furness school and the theme for the assembly was Going for Goals.  So after singing So Many Ways to Praise the Lord, I told the story of Blue Beard the local pirate.  I told the children that many years ago I found a map in an old book and this set me on the trail of Blue Beards lost treasure.  The map pointed to the location of the treasure and I had calculated and measured that it was somewhere under the school.  With my compass in hand and a metal detecting device I worked my way into the children sitting on the floor turning this way and that until the beep, beep, beep of the metal detector pointed to a spot on the floor.  By now all the children were up and looking at the spot on the floor as I said that I would go and get the pick axe and spade - then Sarah stopped me and read out a bible passage from Matthew 13:44-46.  I needed to explain that there was no treasure but I focused on what Jesus said about the man who found a great treasure and another who found an expensive pearl both men sold all they had to acquire the treasures.  What Jesus was saying is that we should do our best to follow Jesus because our treasure is waiting for us in Heaven.  Sarah then explained this point a little more to the children and I led them in singing Be Happy as that talks about running the race and following Jesus all our lives.  We then closed with a prayer.

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