Wednesday, 15 January 2014

St Peters

This morning I was over at St Peters school in Ireleth for the first assembly of the New Year.  I started the assembly by singing God's love is Bigger than a Burger.  The theme for the assembly was Joseph the Dreamer so I told the story as if I was Joseph but before I started I changed my shirt a couple of times (I had a tee shirt on underneath) before settling on a brightly coloured waist coat.  This was to represent the coat Jacob gave to Joseph.  I recalled the story about the coat and the dreams and how the brothers became jealous of Joseph which eventually led them to sell him as a slave.  The coat was dipped in goats blood and presented back to Jacob who assumed Joseph was dead.  I stopped the story there and paused a moment to note the stop in the story before I explained about it.  I asked the children what they thought the brothers were and the answer jealous came back.  I then asked them about jealousy and how that makes us feel and the words angry, upset , annoyed came back.  I pointed out that these are not very nice feelings one child had even said that the brothers had bad feelings.  I linked this to Christmas time and how we talk about what we got as presents and how easily we can become jealous of what other people have.  I said they might have a new pair of converse trainers and they just have a new pair of trainers, or they might have an Ipad and you just have a tablet.  I explained that the brothers jealous of Joseph turn into something nasty, they should have been happy for Joseph getting a new coat and we too should celebrate what others have and not be jealous.  I introduced the final song by talking about us being special to God no matter what we look like or have - Touch a finger talks about us all being special, no matter what size or shape we are God loves us the way we are.  After the song I said a prayer to close the assembly.

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