Tuesday 14 January 2014

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I did our first assembly of 2014 at Low Furness school.  We started with God's Love is like a Burger.  The theme we had been given was Joseph the Dreamer.  Most if not all the children knew the story as it was the summer play last July.  For our take on it I pretended to be Joseph, but before that I had a bit of a debate on what I was wearing, I changed my shirt a couple of times then fixed on a waist coat that was brightly coloured.  I told the story and explained about the dreams, the coat and the reaction of the brothers and their capture of me and selling into slavery in Egypt.  I used the coat as a prop and explained what the brothers did with the coat after Joseph had been sold.  As I was talking I did mention that the brothers were jealous.  Sarah picked up on this theme as she talked to the children.  She spoke about what normally happens after Christmas when we meet our friends at school and how we all talk about what presents they got and how easy it is to become jealous of what someone else has.  Linking with the story she asked the children what the brothers might have been feeling and asked if they were good feelings - no. Sarah continued and reminded the children what he brothers did with Joseph which was not good at all.  She also told the children at we are all special and that God loves us the way we are.  This led to us singing Touch a finger.  At the end I prayed with the children.

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