Monday 16 May 2016

Croftlands Junior School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Juniors.  To start off the assembly we sang Inright Outright as it reflects back to Easter as one of the lines says Jesus cared for me when he died on Calvary.  This was used because we wanted to tell the children what happened next - Pentecost.  I read the account of Pentecost from a Big Ministries book, then explained to the children a little more about it.  I also pointed out that it was on this day that the church really started as people got to hear about Jesus and what he had done as the Holy Spirit empowered them and so the news spread from place to place and that is how we here in England got to hear about it hundreds of years ago.  After this Sarah introduced the next sing pointing out that in the story the disciples had been praising God so we sang So many ways to praise the Lord.  Then Sarah finished with a prayer.

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