Thursday, 5 May 2016

Lindal and Marton School

Yesterday Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Lindal and Marton School.  Yesterday being the 4th of May, the school decided to have a Star Wars Day - so a lot of the children had dressed up as characters from Star Wars.  As we introduced ourselves Sarah said she had never done an assembly to Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Princess Leia and Stormtroopers.  To start off we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger then we introduced the theme - Respect.  Sarah talked briefly about it before introducing the film clip from Finding Nemo.  The clip showed Nemo swimming out into open water to touch a boat despite his father telling him not to do it but Nemo continues to swim and then touches the boat.  Sarah asked the children what it was that Nemo wasn't doing - showing respect came the answer, she also asked what happen next in the film - Nemo was caught in a net and put into a fish tank.  I then explained that in the Bible there a lots of stories of people that showed respect for each other as well as for God, and there are stories were people didn't have respect at all and they like Nemo had to face up to the consequences of their actions.  There is one story in the Bible of a man who was asked by God to lead the people and to help him God provided him with some guidelines or rules - commandments.  His name was Moses and God gave him the 10 commandments to help the people to live a long and happy life.  Four of the commandments are about showing respect towards God and six about respecting people.  There is one that says Respect your father and mother, so that you may live a long time in the land I'm giving you Exodus 20:12 I displayed this on the screen and then explained what the last part meant to the people Moses was leading and what it can mean to us today.  I also explained that we should respect everyone we meet.  Sarah then said that when we do that we can Shine out God's love - cue for a song.  After the song Sarah closed the assembly with a short prayer.

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