Wednesday, 28 September 2016
OT BX 3 Low Furness School
This afternoon was the third Old Testament Lesson at Low Furness School. It was about the time after Moses, so we covered Joshua and then into the Judges like Deborah, Gideon and Samson. Then to finish off I did the story of Ruth which I always link to David and then to Jesus giving the reason why this little story has its own book in the Bible.
Lindale School
This morning I went down to Lindale School for the first assembly of the new school year. The school have been looking at The Lords Prayer and taking each bit of it and looking at what it means during their Wednesday morning assemblies. Today the part I was looking at was 'give us this day our daily bread' So to start off the assembly we sang Great Big God I then displayed the Lords Prayer on the screen and explained what I was going to talk about. Sarah had found a little story about a man called George Muller. I told the children about how George was a Christian man who lived and died over 100 years ago, and that he opened up many schools and places to educate children and he did so without ever asking for money - he simply trusted in God to provide whatever was needed. I retold what happened one morning when 300 children in one such school had no food to eat - George prayed and said thank you for the food we are about to eat - a knock came on the door it was the baker who had got up in the night for some reason and bake 3 extra batches of bread and took it to the school, next the milkman came in his cart had lost a wheel and the milk would go off if the children didn't drink it. George trusted God for everything. I pointed out that in the world today we have so much stuff and we say we want more but do we really need it? I asked the children how often do they say I want this or that when really they don't need it at all. I reminded the children that Christmas is coming and that we will be putting together a Christmas list of things we want/need. Back to George and a song to finish off the assembly we have a Great Big God who holds us in his hands and a God that can do anything, anything at all, nothing is too big for him and nothing is too small - cue song. After the song I closed with a prayer.
Monday, 26 September 2016
Pennington School
This afternoon I went along to do the first assembly of this new term at Pennington School, it was also an Operation Christmas Child assembly, so I was joined by Lisa. After singing God's Love is Bigger than a Burger Lisa introduced the theme of the assembly and showed a video clip from a McDonalds advert which has the opening scene of two children and the words Love is not a big thing, the ad continues and we watch the children grow up they are in fact brother and sister finally the boy now a man comes to get married and his sister has been their with him all the way through and they have done little things for each other the whole lives, the ending phrase then says Love is a thousand little things. Lisa used this idea to explain that when we send a shoe box it is like love being a thousand little things. We as individuals can't change the world but our act of love can change the world of a child that receives a shoe box. I then talked about how and what to pack into a shoe box and explain that when we do we Shine from the inside out - cue song. Lisa closed the assembly with a prayer.
Church Walk Primary School
Today I went along to do the first assembly of this new term at Church Walk Primary School, it was also the first Operation Christmas Child assembly of this year so I was joined by Lisa. After singing God's Love is Bigger than a Burger Lisa introduced the theme of the assembly and showed a video clip from a McDonalds advert which has the opening scene of two children and the words Love is not a big thing, the ad continues and we watch the children grow up they are in fact brother and sister finally the boy now a man comes to get married and his sister has been their with him all the way through and they have done little things for each other the whole lives, the ending phrase then says Love is a thousand little things. Lisa used this idea to explain that when we send a shoe box it is like love being a thousand little things. We as individuals can't change the world but our act of love can change the world of a child that receives a shoe box. I then talked about how and what to pack into a shoe box and explain that when we do we Shine from the inside out - cue song. Lisa closed the assembly with a prayer.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Flookburgh School
This morning Sarah and I made our first visit of the new school year to Flookburgh School. It was really great to see all the children and staff again following the summer holidays. To start our assembly off we sang Be Happy. I then showed the children a collection of objects I had taken with me things like a cycle hat, wet suit, gloves, snow shoes, hard hat etc I got some of the children to either hold our wear the item, I asked if anyone could see the common connection between my rather odd collection of items - the answer was they all protect us in some way. Sarah then read the account of Jesus calming the storm and I then explained the link between the objects and the story - they do all protect us and Jesus protected the disciples n the boat - and we do from time to time have up days when we are very happy and down days when we are not so happy - a bit like a storm at sea (link to bible passage) When faced with the storm the disciples called upon Jesus to help them - and so can we call on him when we need him to help us in some way. I then explained we were going to sing Wonderful Lord which continues the theme of Jesus looking after us.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
OT BX 2 Low Furness School
This afternoon I did the second lesson of Old Testament Bible Explorer with the year 5 and 6 children at Low Furness School. We were in Egypt to start off with Moses and the children of Israel, I am trying very hard to call the people by their many names like Jacob's family, Josephs family, Hebrews, Jews, the Jewish people so that when the children hear these terms in other places they will know that they are one and the same people. So we had Moses today and all about God bringing the people up out of Egypt towards the promised land. We covered the Red Sea crossing, the Law, the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant, as well as the counting of the people, the spies sent into the land and then the forty year trek in the wilderness and finally the law a second time to a new generation of people and the death of Moses. Next week the people move into the land under Joshua and then the Judges ending with Ruth.
St Peters
This morning I went along to St Peters for the first assembly of the new school term. It was really lovely to see all the children again as well as their new headteacher. I started the assembly with Be Happy, then opened a bag containing a lot of different things to wear. Although the items were all different there was a common link between them so I asked the children to think about that as I removed the items from the bag and got some of the children to wear or hold them. I had a wet suit, hard hat, gloves, snow boots, high viz jacket, ear defenders etc. The common link was protection as one boy pointed out. I then read the account of Jesus calming the storm and after explained the link between the items and the story - they all protect us in some way and help keep us safe and Jesus was in the boat and protected the disciples also. I also explained that in life things can go really well for us and we are on a high and are happy (link to song) but there are times when we are not so high and things get us down and we are sad. It is a bit like the waves on the sea and when a storm blows up I asked the children what the disciples did when they were in the storm - they asked Jesus for Help and he came to their rescue and saved and protected them, he can do that for us too when we are facing a difficult time for whatever reason. I linked this to Wonderful Lord which we sang to finish off before closing with the Lord's Prayer.
Monday, 19 September 2016
Penny Bridge Academy
This morning I went along to Penny Bridge Academy to do the first assembly of the new school year. After saying good morning and asking if the children had had a good summer we sang Be Happy. After that I showed the children a collection of items that I had taken with me, there was a wet suit, cycle hat, 2 hard hats, gloves, snow boots, life jacket I had other things to. I asked a few of the younger children to help hold the items. I asked the rest of the school if they could see a connection with the items - someone said safety which was a good answer but not what I was thinking off - someone else then said protection. I then read the calming of the storm story from Andy Robbs book 50 Weirdest Bible Stories. Then I explained the connection between the story and the items - in life we sometimes have good days when we are so happy (link to song) and some days when we feel a bit sad and down - it is a bit like the waves on the sea in a storm (link to story). When faced with the storm the disciples called HELP! - Jesus who was asleep at the time in the boat got up and calmed everyone down, as well as the sea and wind. So I encouraged the children then whenever they find themselves in a down situation to do as the disciples did and call out help to Jesus. I then linked this to the song Wonderful Lord.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Leven Valley School
This morning Sarah and I did our first assembly of the new school year at Leven Valley School. We started with Be Happy before I emptied a bag of items in front of the children. I did tell the children that all the items were different but had something in common there was hard hats, cycle helmets, high viz jackets, life jackets, wet suits etc. I asked the children what was common with the items - protection - they all help protect us in some way. Sarah then read the storm of Jesus calming the storm and after I linked the items to the story in that in life we have ups and downs like in a storm and when we are down we might need someone to help protect us like the disciples did and Jesus was there to do that for them and he is still here today doing the same thing we only need to call to him. I linked this also to Wonderful Lord which we sang to finish.
Our Lady's
This morning Sarah and I made our first visit of the new school year to Our Lady's in Dalton. It was really good to see all the children again and the little ones from nursery joined us too. We started our assembly time with Be Happy. I then unpacked a bag full of rather odd items some I put on others got a laugh from the children I gave some of them to the children to wear. All the items had a common theme though we had hard hats, cycle helmets, high viz jackets, life jackets, wet suits etc. I asked the children what was common with the items - protection - they all help protect us in some way. Sarah then read the storm of Jesus calming the storm and after I linked the items to the story in that in life we have ups and downs like in a storm and when we are down we might need someone to help protect us like the disciples did and Jesus was there to do that for them and he is still here today doing the same thing we only need to call to him. I linked this also to Wonderful Lord which we sang to finish.
St Mary's RC Ulverston
This morning Sarah and I went along to St Mary's Ulverston for our first visit of the new school year. It was really good to see all the children again. One little girl looking at Sarah said 'you're the burger lady aren't you' being slightly confused Sarah enquired a little more 'you see that song God's Love is Bigger than a Burger!!!' simply brilliant. To start off the assembly feeling very happy we sang Be Happy. After the song I showed the children a collection of items which in some way had a common theme like hard hat, cycle helmet, work gloves, ear defenders etc they all help protect us. Sarah then read a version of Jesus calming the storm and I then drew the link between the items and the story in that Jesus is there always to protect and look after his people. It is the ups and downs of our lives like the storm and when we are up we are happy but when we are down and don't know what to do or where to turn Jesus is there waiting for us to call to him. I linked what I was saying to Wonderful Lord song which we sang next.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
BX OT1 Low Furness School
This afternoon I did the first of five Old Testament Bible Explorer lessons. It was with the year 5/6 class at Low Furness School. Last year the then year 5 had New Testament and when the realised I was back in school doing the Old Testament their teacher told me they couldn't wait to hear all about it. It was also pretty special as one year 5 girl couldn't wait for me to go in and do the lesson - that was Martha our 9 year old daughter. The lesson went very well with all the children participating in the lesson and with the hand signs. Then when I said do you know what happened next all the children replied what! there was an awe as I said tell you next week. Next week the story of Moses and the laws some of my favourite bits of the bible.
St Mary's Dalton
This morning Sarah and I went to St Mary's Dalton School to do the assembly. This is a new school to us - we have done a couple of transition assemblies and lessons there before. We started off with Be Happy which the children didn't know but joined in as the song went along. I then showed the children a number of items that were all different but had a common theme - as I lifted them out the bag I got some of the younger children to wear the items which were things like - hard hat, cycle helmet, work gloves, ear defenders etc The thing they all had in common was they help keep us safe but they all protect us in some way. Sarah then retold the story of Jesus calming the storm from a book by And Robb. I then linked the items that protect us to the protection and help we get from Jesus. When things are going well we feel happy (link to song) but when things are not so well we are down - a bit like a storm at sea so I reminded the children that the disciples called out to Jesus in their storm and we can too. I linked this to Wonderful Lord which we sang next.
Lindel and Marton School
This morning Sarah and I went to do our first assembly of the new school year at Lindel and Marton School. It was great to see all the children again, looking happy and smiling as we arrived. To start of the assembly we sang Be Happy then I went on to open my bag which was full of all sorts of things but they did one thing in common - the items were things like a wet suit, hard hat, cycle helmet, work gloves, ear defenders etc they all help keep us safe but they all protect us in some way. Sarah then retold the story of Jesus calming the storm from a book by And Robb. I then linked the items that protect us to the protection and help we get from Jesus. When things are going well we feel happy (link to song) but when things are not so well we are down - a bit like a storm at sea so I reminded the children that the disciples called out to Jesus in their storm and we can too. I linked this to Wonderful Lord which we sang next.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Croftlands Infant School
This morning Sarah and I did our first visit of the new school year to Croftlands Infant School. It was lovely to see all the children again and be welcomed by them. We sang Be Happy to start off and then I showed the children a whole load of things, I said that they were all different and did different things but they all had something in common. So as I lifted the items out I explained what they were and asked some of the children to hold them - I had a life jacket, wet suit, hard hat, ear defenders, cycle hat, gloves, boots, high viz jacket. When I asked what the common thing was someone said safety which was correct but not what I was looking for then someone said protection which was right - they all help to protect us. Sarah then read an account of Jesus calming the storm and I then explained that Jesus is there to help look after and protect us because sometimes we have up days and we are very happy - that's why we sang Be Happy to start but there are times when we feel a bit sad and are down - perhaps we are having a tough time at school or with friends or a test! The disciples in the story when faced with a storm called out to Jesus for Help and he calm the storm down. I reminded the children that we too can call out to Jesus for help when we are in a storm of ups and downs. We finished with Wonderful Lord and I explained that some of the words say about God being our shield and protector and he watches over us even when we sleep. During the song I said a short prayer.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Croftlands Junior School
This morning I went along to Croftlands Junior School for the first assembly of the new school year. It was great to see all the children there as well as all the new year 3 children who have come up from the infants. we started by singing Be Happy, I then showed the children a collection of items saying that they are all different but have one thing in common. I asked if they could tell what it was they had in common - I had a life jacket and wetsuit, a high viz jacket, hard hat, gloves, safety glasses, ear defenders and boots also a cycle helmet. Hands went up and the answer came that they all protect us in some way. I explained that although these items are good at protecting our bodies Jesus can protect us in other ways. I then used the Andy Robb 50 Weirdest Bible story book to tell the story of Jesus calming the storm. I then explained that Jesus can help to calm the storms we might face during our time in school as we all have ups and downs - I reminded the children that the disciples in the midst of the storm called to Jesus for HELP! and we can too whenever we face difficulties at school or at home. We finished with Wonderful Lord and I prayed in the middle for the children at the start of the new school year.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Low Furness School
This morning Sarah and I along with Grace went to Low Furness School to do the assembly. It was our first assembly of the new school year and it was great to see all the children again after the summer holidays. Our theme was creation so after singing Creator God I talked about creation and displayed some pictures that explained what God did on each of the days until he rested on the 7th day. Sarah then explained that God created a perfect world out of nothing, we had a large tub of Lego bricks on the floor and Sarah looked at them - then she spoke to them and said build a house - nothing happened - she saw there was a wheel in the box so said build a train - again nothing happened - ok make an animal - nothing. We explained to the children that God spoke and things happened we call this creation as God make things from nothing. We can make things as humans but we can't create like God can, I displayed a few pictures like tall buildings, cars, electrical products. I then showed flowers that had been made from silk, foam and paper - yes they are flowers and yes they are like the ones God made but they are not living. Next I showed some animals made from paper mache and again they look like animals God made but they are not living. We linked this to the perfect, beautiful world that God created and said we should thank him for it every day I now displayed a view of the world from space. To finish I displayed Genesis 1:31a God saw everything he had made, and it was very good. We then sang Great Big God before Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.
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