Wednesday, 21 September 2016

St Peters

This morning I went along to St Peters for the first assembly of the new school term.  It was really lovely to see all the children again as well as their new headteacher.  I started the assembly with Be Happy, then opened a bag containing a lot of different things to wear.  Although the items were all different there was a common link between them so I asked the children to think about that as I removed the items from the bag and got some of the children to wear or hold them.  I had a wet suit, hard hat, gloves, snow boots, high viz jacket, ear defenders etc.  The common link was protection as one boy pointed out.  I then read the account of Jesus calming the storm and after explained the link between the items and the story - they all protect us in some way and help keep us safe and Jesus was in the boat and protected the disciples also.  I also explained that in life things can go really well for us and we are on a high and are happy (link to song) but there are times when we are not so high and things get us down and we are sad.  It is a bit like the waves on the sea and when a storm blows up I asked the children what the disciples did when they were in the storm - they asked Jesus for Help and he came to their rescue and saved and protected them, he can do that for us too when we are facing a difficult time for whatever reason.  I linked this to Wonderful Lord which we sang to finish off before closing with the Lord's Prayer.

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