Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Lindale School

This morning I went down to Lindale School for the first assembly of the new school year.  The school have been looking at The Lords Prayer and taking each bit of it and looking at what it means during their Wednesday morning assemblies.  Today the part I was looking at was 'give us this day our daily bread'  So to start off the assembly we sang Great Big God I then displayed the Lords Prayer on the screen and explained what I was going to talk about.  Sarah had found a little story about a man called George Muller.  I told the children about how George was a Christian man who lived and died over 100 years ago, and that he opened up many schools and places to educate children and he did so without ever asking for money - he simply trusted in God to provide whatever was needed.  I retold what happened one morning when 300 children in one such school had no food to eat - George prayed and said thank you for the food we are about to eat - a knock came on the door it was the baker who had got up in the night for some reason and bake 3 extra batches of bread and took it to the school, next the milkman came in his cart had lost a wheel and the milk would go off if the children didn't drink it.  George trusted God for everything.  I pointed out that in the world today we have so much stuff and we say we want more but do we really need it?  I asked the children how often do they say I want this or that when really they don't need it at all.  I reminded the children that Christmas is coming and that we will be putting together a Christmas list of things we want/need.  Back to George and a song to finish off the assembly we have a Great Big God who holds us in his hands and a God that can do anything, anything at all, nothing is too big for him and nothing is too small - cue song.  After the song I closed with a prayer. 

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