Monday 13 January 2020

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon I went to do the assembly at Penny Bridge.  It was my first visit of 2020 so after saying that I hoped they had had a good Christmas and New Year and if they had been to any parties (link to story later) over Christmas and things I told the story of the lost son.  I used some pictures to help with the story and pretended to party when the younger son went off and spent his fathers money.  When he was considering eating the pig food I said it would be like eating the school dinner leftovers - the baked beans, mixed in with cake and custard.  Back home the father was waiting and welcomed his son back who was forgiven by the father and the son said sorry.  I reminded the children why we have Christmas and that Jesus came to tell us more about God and how we can go to heaven.  I also reminded them that Jesus died for us too which is something that they will be looking at later on this term as we get near to Easter.  God forgives us the things we do wrong, have done wrong and will do wrong we just have to say sorry but in turn we should also forgive anyone who does wrong to us - I gave a few examples.  To round it all off we sang God can do Anything as nothing is too big for him and nothing is to small so when we think about stuff we have done he is able to forgive us those wrong things.  After the song I said a prayer.

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