Monday, 16 June 2014

Broughton School

This afternoon we have been over to Broughton School.  We had two assemblies in mind for today and depending on which children were in for the assembly we decided which one to do.  As the infants were out we did the assembly on perseverance which we have done to a number of schools just recently.  After I explained about my bad guitar playing and not sticking to it I explained what the word perseverance means then went on to show the video clip of Nick Vujicic then I pointed out some of the things he was doing on the video and talked about how easy it would have been for him just to give up.  Then with the verses from Hebrews 12:1-2 which encourages us to continue to run the race and to persevere as Christ did on the cross, I encouraged the children to persevere with whatever they find difficult if it is school work, a hobby, a gifting, a talent or a sport.  Sarah then continued to talk about Nick and about how he now has a family of his own.  After singing God Can do Anything we said a prayer and finished the assembly.

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