Monday, 18 May 2015

Cartmel Primary School

The second assembly of the day was at Cartmel Primary School.  After saying hello to the children I introduced them to a new song - well new to them which was So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  I then displayed a number of pictures and asked the children what they could see.  There was an old women or was it a young lady?  was the picture moving or still?  and how many legs does that elephant have?  Yes they were optical illusions I explained that sometimes we can see something that perhaps isn't really there.  This was a link into the main story which was a bout Samuel looking for a new King.  I read part of the story from the Lion Storyteller Bible and ad-lib was used for other parts.  The point was that Samuel was looking at Jesses sons on the outside but God was looking much deeper into there hearts and that is why Samuel was told to anoint David as King although he was only a boy God knew all about him and could see that he followed, Him, loved Him and trusted Him.  I then talked about how sometimes we might see someone who looks nice on the outside, has nice looks, good clothes, the latest phone and other gadgets yet on the inside they could not be so nice and think wrong things about people.  Yet a very untidy person could be the nicest person you would ever meet.  What is on our inside should shine out which was a cue for a song Shine.  Following the song I said a short prayer and closed the assembly.

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