Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Lindale School

This morning Sarah and I went down to Lindale Primary School.  It was our first visit to the school so we were both excited as this is our 15th school.  We had been asked to do the assembly on David and in particular him being anointed as King.  So after the introductions we sang Great Big God then we showed a few optical illusions and asked the children what they saw, was there a five legged elephant, or was the picture an old lady or a young women, was the picture moving or still etc.  This led Sarah into talking about what we see is not always was is there which moved us nicely into the appointment of David by Samuel to be King of Israel.  I then read the story using the Lion Storyteller bible as a guide - I added my own bits in as I told the story.  The point was made that we look on the outside of a person to see what they are like but God looks on the inside.  That is what he did with David's brothers all 7 of them before he had David brought out to meet Samuel, because God could see into David's heart He knew that this was the right man for the job.  We brought the talk round to being able to Shine from the inside out which was a cue for a second song.  After the song Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.

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