Thursday 7 May 2015

Leven Valley School

This morning I travelled down to Leven Valley School for their assembly.  To start off we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  Then I showed a number of very clever optical illusions and asked the children and staff if they could tell what they were.  Some were two pictures others move there was even a multi legged elephant - 7 legs!- someone said.  This linked to the idea that sometimes we see something different when we look at things which is what happened when God and Samuel looked for a new king, Samuel saw the tall, handsome type people were as God looked at the heart and could see the loving, trusting person which was David of course.  To help tell the story I took some of the words from the Lion Storyteller Bible and one line in particular God said I look on the inside were you (Samuel) look on the outside.  It was this point I wanted to focus on.  We might be the tallest, strongest, best looking person but if inside in our heart we are mean, nasty and not very nice then God sees that in us.  We should be the same person on the outside as we are on the inside.  This means that we can then Shine from the inside out which was a cue for a song.  Following the song I said a prayer.

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