Tuesday 12 May 2015

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I have been over to Crosthwaite School for the assembly.  As it was SATS week we only had time for one song so we went straight into the story.  We displayed a number of optical illusions and asked the children if they could see certain things, old women/young lady, dots, elephant legs etc Sarah used this to explain that what we see sometimes is not what is really there.  Like we can see a nice person but we can't see what is going on inside of them.  I then read the story of David meeting Samuel and being anointed as king.  Samuel looked at all the other brothers and thought that they would make great kings but God looked on the inside and that is why David was picked.  God looks on the inside but man looks on the outside , God told Samuel.  Following this we sang Shine from the inside out and Sarah explained why we sing the words in the song.  We then did have time for a quick burst of the Chicken Dance.  Sarah closed with a prayer.

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