Friday, 29 April 2016
BX OT3 Croftlands Juniors
This morning I was at Croftlands Juniors for the third lesson of Old Testament Bible Explorer. Todays lesson included the fall of Jericho under Joshua's leadership, the taking over the land and dividing it between the 12 tribes. Looking at the 400 years of the judges and focusing in on Deborah, Gideon and Samson. Then ending with the love story of Ruth and explaining the importance of the story in relation to the birth of Jesus. Next week we look at the first kings.
Thursday, 28 April 2016
BX OT3 St Peters
This afternoon I was at St Peters for lesson 3 of Old Testament Bible Explorer. We started with a recap of the previous weeks and a run through of the hand signs so far. Then I covered the story of Joshua, on then to talk about the fall of Jericho before explaining how the land got divided up. Then into the book of Judges and Deborah, Gideon and Samson. Ending the lesson with the story of Ruth. So thing like 520 years of history in one hour of lesson. The children enjoyed listening, joining in and doing the hand signs. Next week the kings - Saul, David and Solomon.
Flookburgh School
This morning Sarah and I went down to Flookburgh School, as we arrived we were welcomed by children jumping up and down and calling out our names in excitement which was just wonderful. It has been a good few weeks since we last visited the school (beginning of March) hence I supposed the excitement. To start off our assembly we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger, then we introduced the theme of Respect - which is also one of the Christian Values within the school. Sarah talked a little about it before showing the video clip from Finding Nemo which shows Nemo being disrespectful towards his father when he firstly says he hates him then swims out to the boat and even touches it. Sarah talked with the children and reminded them after the clip what happened to Nemo. I then continued by talking about the Bible and how there are many examples of people showing respect towards others as we as towards God and equally being disrespectful too. I went on to talk about Moses and the 10 commandments and how 4 are about respecting God and 6 respecting others. I displayed the words from Exodus 20:12 about respecting our parents and explained what the whole verse means for us today. Then Sarah continued and mentioned the word shine - which was a cue for the next song. After the song Sarah closed with a prayer.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Broughton School
This morning I went to Broughton School for the assembly. I decided to continue the theme we have been doing recently which is on Respect. So after singing God's love is Bigger than a Burger I displayed the word respect on the screen and introduced the theme to the children. To help the children understand I showed them the Nemo clip when Nemo swims out to sea despite his father telling him not to, he then proceeds to touch the boat again going against what his father said. Following the clip I asked the children about it saying what did Nemo not do or show - respect came the answer. I then took my bible and explained that in it there are loads of stories of people both showing respect as well as being disrespectful both to each other and God. I talked about Moses and the 10 commandments and how they are really all about respect for each other as well as God. I pointed one out which was respect your father and mother - I explained what it meant to the children saying it can include everyone not just our parents. After this we sang Shine and then I closed with a prayer.
St Peters
This morning Sarah and I went over to St Peters School for the assembly. We decided to do a follow on assembly from what we did last time. So to start with we sang Creator God then I reminded them about the assembly two weeks ago by asking questions about it. I explained that we sang Creator God because he made a great world for us to live in and to live in it peacefully and respectfully - but we don't do it - in fact people started to do things wrong soon after creation. People didn't respect what God had made, other people or even God himself, so he decided to start again and he looked around and found one good man and his wife - Noah and Mrs Noah. I then told the story using my magic trick which has the ark on one side and animals on the other. Then as the ark finds rest from inside comes out a rainbow. Sarah then explained a little more about how we can show respect in our world today. To close the assembly we sang Wonderful Lord and in the middle part Sarah said a prayer.
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Low Furness School
This morning I went to Low Furness School for the assembly. The theme today was Noah's Ark which had been linked into the half-term theme on Respect. So after singing Creator God I then reminded the children that last time I spoke in an assembly on respect I had said that in the bible there are a number of examples of people that both respected God and other people and equally there were people that didn't. After God had created the beautiful world in which we live they started to disrespect it, the people in in and even God. So God decided to start again and he found a respectful man called Noah and instructed him to build a giant boat and into put all the animals - two of every type. Noah followed God's idea and did as he said, it took him a long time and by the time the boat was ready Noah had three sons and they had wives. On a certain day all the animals went onto the boat and Noah and his family too then it rained and rained. It continued to rain for 40 days and nights. The boat floated and Noah's family were saved. Then as the rain stopped and the water went down Noah sent out birds and eventually after about half a year or so the doors flew open and every one could get off. As I told the story I was using my Noah magic trick showing the ark and turning it round to show the animals, but as the Rainbow appeared in the story I pulled out a rainbow coloured silk from the middle of the ark turn it around once more showing the animals again. I explained that God promised never to flood the world again, I also reminded the children that we should always show respect for the world, other people as well as God. God had protected Noah and his family and there is only one song we can sing that talks about that - Wonderful Lord. After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.
Monday, 25 April 2016
Pennington School
This afternoon I went to Pennington School for the assembly. To start off we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger. I then displayed the theme for the assembly which was Respect and then showed the video clip from the film Finding Nemo the one in which Nemo swims out to sea and touches the boat despite his father telling him not to. Following the clip I asked the children what is was that Nemo hadn't or didn't do - hands went up and the answer show respect came out. I also asked the older ones at the back of the hall if they could hear what Nemo said to his dad - 'I hate you' was the answer. I then went on to talk about the bible and that in it there are loads of examples of people showing respect and also being disrespectful towards each other and to God. I talked about one old guy called Moses who was asked by God to lead the people and to help him God gave him the 10 commandments. One of them even says respect your father and mother so that you will live a long time in the land I'm giving you. I explained what this meant to the children and how we could apply that to us today. Then when we do we Shine from the inside out - cue song. After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.
Penny Bridge Academy
This morning Sarah and I did an assembly for the children of Penny Bridge Academy. We decided to ask the girls that help us set up what song they wanted to sing - they picked God's Love is Bigger than a Burger. After the song Sarah introduced the theme of the assembly which was on Respect. I then showed a clip from the movie Finding Nemo. The clip was the part when Nemo was going to swim out to sea, he was encouraged by his friends to do it, his dad came and tried to stop him but sadly Nemo disrespected his father and did swim out and even touched the boat. Sarah explained that Nemo was being disrespectful towards his father which resulted in Nemo getting caught. I then took my bible and said that in it there are stories of people both showing respect and being disrespectful towards each other as well as God. I then talked about Moses and how he was called upon to lead the people and to teach them God's way by encouraging them to follow his laws. I displayed the commandment about respecting your father and mother and explained that God wanted people to follow his laws so they would live a long and happy life, and we shouldn't just respect our father and mother but everyone. Sarah then said when we do that we can then Shine from the inside out - cue song. After the song Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.
Friday, 22 April 2016
BX OT2 Croftlands Juniors
This morning I was with the year 5 children at Croftlands Junior School doing lesson 2 of Bible Explorer. Today we focused on the life of Moses from his birth, to the burning bush, leading the people, the Red Sea, the law, counting the people and finally his death. We covered Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. I finished the lesson with the Children of Israel on the east side of the Jordan River ready for Joshua to take over and take them over into the promised land. As I finished the lesson and went over the hand signs from creation, I was asked by one child if I would continue as she would like to know more. Praise God for these little moments.
Thursday, 21 April 2016
BX OT2 St Peters
This afternoon I was with the year 5 and 6 children at St Peters doing the second lesson of Bible Explorer. This lesson is all about Moses and his calling from God to lead the children of Israel. It goes into his birth, him running away, the encounter with God at the burning bush, his return to Egypt, the 10 plagues, the Passover, crossing the Red Sea, the law, on into sending the 12 spies then Moses death. The children enjoyed listening and getting involved in the stories as well as following then doing the hand signs. Next week Joshua, the Judges and Ruth.
Croftlands Juniors
This morning I went to Croftlands Juniors for the assembly. After singing Be Happy I introduced the theme for the assembly - Respect. I showed the video clip of Nemo when he swims out into the open sea and touches the boat. The clip started as he was being dared to do it by his friends but then his father swims in to stop him, it is at this point Nemo tells his father he hates him. As Nemo said this the children reacted with a deep breath. After the clip I asked the children what it was that Nemo didn't or hadn't done - shown respect to his father. I then explained that seconds later Nemo was taken (if I had let the clip run). His capture was then very difficult for him as he was put into a tank and his father went looking for him. I talked a bit about the bible and how in it there are loads of examples of people showing respect as well as being disrespectful. I mentioned Moses being given the Ten Commandments and that 4 are about respecting God and 6 about respecting people like the one that says Respect your father and mother so that you will live a long time in the land I'm giving you Exodus 20:12. I needed to explain what the last part was all about and that we should respect everyone not just our parents so that we will live a good life. Then when we do that we can Shine from the inside out - cue song. After the song I closed with a prayer.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Croftlands Infants School
This morning Sarah and I went to Croftlands Infants School to take the assembly. It was great to see all the children again. To start off the assembly we sang God can do anything then Sarah retold the story of the feeding of the 5000 using the Big Ministries book 2. As the story was told there were several key words which the children could react to with actions, so before Sarah started I explained the actions. After the story I talked about what Sarah had just read and explained that it can be found in all 4 of the gospels. The small boy in the story had been given his packed lunch that morning which would not have been a big amount and he set off. He had no idea that when he helped the disciples by giving over his small amount of food that Jesus was going to do such an amazing thing with it. I encouraged the children to look around and see where they might be able to do something small for someone, who then might do something a little bigger, and so it might go on. I said that when we help in that way we Shine God's love from inside us to the outside - cue for a song I think. After the song Sarah said a short prayer.
Vicarage Park School
On Monday Sarah and I went over to Vicarage Park School to do the assembly. The theme was helping others and asking for help. So after singing God can do anything we retold the story of the feeding of the 5000. Sarah introduced the story saying that it is an important story and that it appears in all 4 gospels. I then told the story using a Big Ministries book which had actions for certain key words, like small, big, noisy, hungry, bread and fish. Each time the words came up the children either said something or did an action. After the story Sarah then explained that the little boy in the story offered his small packed lunch, his small action then helped thousands of other people. Before this the disciples had asked Jesus for advice as to what to do with the crowd. Sarah said that we should look around to see were we can help people in what ever small or large way we can because like the boy in the story his small helping action turned into something massive. Sarah also said when we help in this way we Shine from the inside out - cue song. after the song Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.
Friday, 15 April 2016
BX OT1 Croftlands Juniors
I had a great time this morning with the year 5 children at Croftlands Junior School as I started Bible Explorer Old Testament with them. After explaining about Bible Explorer I started to recall the stories from Genesis to them. The children happily joined in with the hand signs as well as dressing up as some of the characters from the stories. As the end of the hour lesson approached I started to recap only to be told please go on a little more so I did for a few minutes longer. I can't wait for next weeks lesson.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
BX1 OT St Peters
This afternoon I have been at St Peters School with the year 5 and 6 class doing Old Testament Bible Explorer. We had a great time as I explained about the bible and showed them some different types of bible old ones and modern ones. I explained that years ago some of the bible stories were past on by mouth from family to family until it was put down in words on animal skins, then papyrus until eventually we have the bible as we do now. I showed them my Jewish scrolls from Israel as well as the Yad pointer and explained how they are read and why a pointer is used. I then opened up my bible and read the first verse. To tell the creation story I use a magic trick which involves spelling as well as counting to pull out the 6 days of making and the 7th of rest. Then the stories and hand signs flowed on as they do in Bible Explorer.
Leven Valley School
This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Leven Valley School. We started the assembly by singing God's love is bigger than a burger. After the song we introduced the topic of the assembly - Respect. Sarah asked a few children what they thought respect was and we got a number of good answers. We then showed a clip from the film Finding Nemo. The clip was when Nemo against his fathers wishes goes and swims out over the drop off and out to sea towards a boat, he then touches it despite being told not to. Then Sarah talked about the clip and what Nemo did and how he didn't show respect towards his father. I then explained that in the bible there are many stories of people that show respect and many that don't. There is one old guy who was asked at the age of 80 to lead God's people and to help him God gave him 10 laws/rules. Moses explained the laws to the people and one law in particular says Respect your father and mother, so that you will live long in the land I'm giving you Exodus 20:12. I explained that the land was the land God had promised to the people and that although it says fathers and mothers we should respect everyone so that we will live a long time in our land/community. I referred to the Nemo clip by saying because he didn't show respect he got himself into loads of trouble. We will too if we don't show respect towards others and God. Sarah then said that if we do show respect then we will Shine that out from the inside out - cue song. After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.
Our Lady's School
This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Our Lady's School. We started the assembly by singing God's love is bigger than a burger. After the song we introduced the topic of the assembly - Respect. Sarah asked a few children what they thought respect was and we got a number of good answers. We then showed a clip from the film Finding Nemo. The clip was when Nemo against his fathers wishes goes and swims out over the drop off and out to sea towards a boat, he then touches it despite being told not to. Then Sarah talked about the clip and what Nemo did and how he didn't show respect towards his father. I then explained that in the bible there are many stories of people that show respect and many that don't. There is one old guy who was asked at the age of 80 to lead God's people and to help him God gave him 10 laws/rules. Moses explained the laws to the people and one law in particular says Respect your father and mother, so that you will live long in the land I'm giving you Exodus 20:12. I explained that the land was the land God had promised to the people and that although it says fathers and mothers we should respect everyone so that we will live a long time in our land/community. I referred to the Nemo clip by saying because he didn't show respect he got himself into loads of trouble. We will too if we don't show respect towards others and God. Sarah then said that if we do show respect then we will Shine that out from the inside out - cue song. After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.
St Marys RC School
This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at St Marys School. When we got there and set up the computer and started the assembly, Sarah introduced the first song and the computer just won't work! I quickly tried to figure out what the problem was while Sarah explained to the children that the computer had just had an update she suggested we said a little prayer. A little girl in year 1 (we think) said please God make Mark's computer work - and then it did!!!!! So we sang the song following the answer to prayer. The first song was God's love is bigger than a burger. After the song we introduced the topic of the assembly - Respect. Sarah asked a few children what they thought respect was and we got a number of good answers. We then showed a clip from the film Finding Nemo. The clip was when Nemo against his fathers wishes goes and swims out over the drop off and out to sea towards a boat, he then touches it despite being told not to. Then Sarah talked about the clip and what Nemo did and how he didn't show respect towards his father. I then explained that in the bible there are many stories of people that show respect and many that don't. There is one old guy who was asked at the age of 80 to lead God's people and to help him God gave him 10 laws/rules. Moses explained the laws to the people and one law in particular says Respect your father and mother, so that you will live long in the land I'm giving you Exodus 20:12. I explained that the land was the land God had promised to the people and that although it says fathers and mothers we should respect everyone so that we will live a long time in our land/community. I referred to the Nemo clip by saying because he didn't show respect he got himself into loads of trouble. We will too if we don't show respect towards others and God. Sarah then said that if we do show respect then we will Shine that out from the inside out - cue song. After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Burlington School
This morning I went to Burlington School for the assembly. It was great to see all the children again after the Easter break. Before I started the assembly I said how lucky the children in that school are to have such great views of the hills and mountains around them, I said the journey to their school makes me happy - which was a bit of a cue to the first song we were going to sing - Be Happy. After the song I introduced the theme for the assembly which was respect. I first asked the children if they knew what respect was and what it meant. I then showed a short clip from the film Finding Nemo in which Nemo was swimming out into open water and going against what his father was saying. When the clip finished I asked the children what it was that Nemo wasn't doing - showing respect to his father - one boy said that he was doing the complete opposite to what his father said. I reminded the children about what happens in the film in that Nemo is caught and taken and put into a fish tank, then his father has to go and try to find him. What happened to him wasn't very good. I then lifted up my Bible explaining that there are loads of stories in it that show both respect and disrespect towards people as well as towards God. I also explained that there was this really old guy who was in his 80's and God called him to lead the people and to do that God gave them some rules to follow one such rule was to show respect to your father and mother - Moses was the old guy of course. I expanded the verse out by saying we should respect to all people. Then when we do show respect we Shine from the inside out. That was a cue for a song. after the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.
St Peters
This morning I went to St Peters for the assembly. It was great to see all the children again after the Easter break. To start off we sang Be Happy then I introduced the theme for the assembly which was respect. I first asked the children if they knew what respect was and what it meant. I then showed a short clip from the film Finding Nemo in which Nemo was swimming out into open water and going against what his father was saying. When the clip finished I asked the children what it was that Nemo wasn't doing - showing respect to his father - one boy said that he was doing the complete opposite to what his father said. I reminded the children about what happens in the film in that Nemo is caught and taken and put into a fish tank, then his father has to go and try to find him. What happened to him wasn't very good. I then lifted up my Bible explaining that there are loads of stories in it that show both respect and disrespect towards people as well as towards God. I also explained that there was this really old guy who was in his 80's and God called him to lead the people and to do that God gave them some rules to follow one such rule was to show respect to your father and mother - Moses was the old guy of course. I expanded the verse out by saying we should respect to all people. Then when we do show respect we Shine from the inside out. That was a cue for a song. after the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Low Furness School
This morning Sarah and I were at Low Furness School doing the assembly. The theme was Respect. So to start off we sang Be Happy then Sarah asked the children what Respect was as she introduced the theme for the term to the children. We then showed a clip from Finding Nemo - the part when Nemo goes out to sea as his father shouts after him. Nemo touches the boat which his father told him not to. The clip ended just at that point. Sarah then talked about what the children had just seen and asked them what Nemo was doing - he wasn't showing respect to his father. She also reminded the children what happened next - Nemo was caught and taken away by the divers. I then held up my Bible and explained that in it there are loads of examples of how people respect other people as well as stories about disrespect. I then said that there was a really old guy who started to do his stuff when he was 80 years old when he became the leader and God gave him some very special rules or a code or a set of guidelines to follow - it was Moses of course and God gave him the 10 commandments. One of them says Respect you father and mother so that you will live a long time in the landing I'm giving you Exodus 20:12. I explained what the last part of the verse meant but also expanded it to say that we should respect everyone young or old. Sarah then confirmed what I'd said by referring back to the Nemo clip and then introduced the final song - Shine. at the end she finished the assembly with a prayer.
Monday, 11 April 2016
Church Walk Primary School
This morning I went to Church Walk Primary School for the assembly. It was great to see all the children again after the Easter break. To start off we sang Be Happy then I went on to tell the story of Jesus going to the Temple at aged 12. I told the story and displayed pictures as I did, then stopped and either explained things or asked the children question - like if they had been away over Easter - had they travelled on a donkey or did they walk? I also asked if anyone had been to our capital city, like Jesus was travelling to the capital Jerusalem. Later on I asked if anyone had ever been lost and explained why it took days to get from the north to Jerusalem as they needed to walk. The point of the assembly was to show how much love Mary had for Jesus and to explain that God love us so much more than anyone on earth could ever love us. I linked this back to Easter and Jesus on the cross when he died for us. To finish off the assembly we sang I Love You and I closed with a prayer.
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