Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Low Furness School

This morning I went to Low Furness School for the assembly.  The theme today was Noah's Ark which had been linked into the half-term theme on Respect.  So after singing Creator God I then reminded the children that last time I spoke in an assembly on respect I had said that in the bible there are a number of examples of people that both respected God and other people and equally there were people that didn't.  After God had created the beautiful world in which we live they started to disrespect it, the people in in and even God.  So God decided to start again and he found a respectful man called Noah and instructed him to build a giant boat and into put all the animals - two of every type.  Noah followed God's idea and did as he said, it took him a long time and by the time the boat was ready Noah had three sons and they had wives.  On a certain day all the animals went onto the boat and Noah and his family too then it rained and rained.  It continued to rain for 40 days and nights.  The boat floated and Noah's family were saved.  Then as the rain stopped and the water went down Noah sent out birds and eventually after about half a year or so the doors flew open and every one could get off.  As I told the story I was using my Noah magic trick showing the ark and turning it round to show the animals, but as the Rainbow appeared in the story I pulled out a rainbow coloured silk from the middle of the ark turn it around once more showing the animals again.  I explained that God promised never to flood the world again, I also reminded the children that we should always show respect for the world, other people as well as God.  God had protected Noah and his family and there is only one song we can sing that talks about that - Wonderful Lord.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

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