Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Croftlands Infants School

This morning Sarah and I went to Croftlands Infants School to take the assembly.  It was great to see all the children again.  To start off the assembly we sang God can do anything then Sarah retold the story of the feeding of the 5000 using the Big Ministries book 2.  As the story was told there were several key words which the children could react to with actions, so before Sarah started I explained the actions.  After the story I talked about what Sarah had just read and explained that it can be found in all 4 of the gospels.  The small boy in the story had been given his packed lunch that morning which would not have been a big amount and he set off.  He had no idea that when he helped the disciples by giving over his small amount of food that Jesus was going to do such an amazing thing with it.  I encouraged the children to look around and see where they might be able to do something small for someone, who then might do something a little bigger, and so it might go on.  I said that when we help in that way we Shine God's love from inside us to the outside - cue for a song I think.  After the song Sarah said a short prayer.

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