Thursday, 25 May 2017

Leven Valley School

This morning I went down to Leven Valley School for the assembly.  After singing Inright Outright with the children because it linked a little to what I was going to say I told them off the events of Ascension and then Pentecost particularly as today is Ascension Day.  I used pictures to tell the story and added in my own particular twist which made the children smile and laugh.  After this I explained that Pentecost as the time the Holy Spirit came down but it also marks the birth of the church which has continued to grow and expand over the years and that is why we know about God and Jesus today - it started with Peter talking to a crowd of people.  He was shining from the inside out -cue for a song.  After the song I closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Broughton School

This morning  I went to Broughton school for the assembly.  As Thursday this week is Ascension Day I decided to focus on that and then Pentecost for the assembly.  So to start off we sang Inright Outright and used it to remind the children about Easter, before I showed them some pictures and talked about the time Jesus went back into Heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As Peter stood up on that day and told thousands about Jesus he was Shinning from the inside out which gave us a cue into our final song.  After the song I closed with a prayer. 

St Peters

This morning  I went to St Peters school for the assembly.  As Thursday this week is Ascension Day I decided to focus on that and then Pentecost for the assembly.  So to start off we sang Inright Outright and used it to remind the children about Easter, before I showed them some pictures and talked about the time Jesus went back into Heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As Peter stood up on that day and told thousands about Jesus he was Shinning from the inside out which gave us a cue into our final song.  After the song I closed with a prayer.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Low Furness School

Today Sarah and I were at Low Furness School - we said prayers for Manchester and all those caught up in the events of last night.  Children sat around a love heart of candles and wrote prayers which they later put round the heart.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Church Walk Primary School

This morning I went to Church Walk Primary School for the assembly.  After singing Be Happy I told the story of Ruth.  I started by saying that the story is very small and if you flicked through the Bible you could easily miss it.  At the end I encouraged the children to be like Ruth and show love and kindness as she did to people they meet.  To link with the story we finished the assembly by singing Shine.  I then closed with a prayer.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Coniston Primary School

This morning I was at Coniston Primary School for the assembly.  After singing Be Happy I did my choices magic trick (a teacher had asked me to perform a trick last time I was there) So I brought out three children and gave each one a numbered card, then I gave them the choice to swap cards if they wanted to. Next I took out some coloured discs which had the same numbers on them as the cards, I gave the children the correct numbered disc.  Each disc was then replaced with a bag of the same colour, in all the children's bags they had sweets but in mine bag there was loads of sweets.  The children sat down as I explained that they had all been given a choice of card, the choice to swap it and now they have the consequences of their choices.  I went on to say that we all face choices every day from what do I wear, to what time shall I get up, should I go to school - in fact every child had probably made over 20 choices already today.  But in life there are even bigger choices we need to make, like what secondary school should I go to, or what GCSE's should I take, or even should I work in school of mess around - that choice will affect what job we get later on in life.  I linked in the story of Adam and Eve which I covered in January, then linked it to being pressured by someone to do something wrong - we have a choice to do it or not.  I encouraged the children to ask for help when faced with choices from teacher, parents and people at home and ask God for his help to.  To finish we sang Shine before I closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Lindale School

This morning I went to Lindale School for the assembly. It was before Easter that I last saw all the children so it was great to see them all again today.  To start we sang Be Happy, I then followed the set theme which was about choices and I was asked to tell the Adam and Eve story which I did in my special way which got the children laughing - I hope it also got them thinking about the choices they sometimes make.  Afterwards I talked a little about some of the big things we face like should I steal such and such just because my friend tells me to, or should I hang out with that group who get into trouble.  I encouraged the children to think about what they do and to ask for help from teachers, people at home and of course God.  I rounded it off with linking to the song Shine.  After the song I closed with a prayer.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Croftlands Infant School

This morning Sarah and I went to Croftlands Infant School for the assembly.  It was great to see all the children again since we haven't been since before Easter.  After singing God's Love is Bigger than a Burger we displayed pictures of superhero's and for each one Sarah explained their special ability finishing with Joe Smith.  At which point I asked what does he do, all the children had been quite excited as the various hero's appear but there was nothing with Joe.  Then my phone rang (it was on silent in my pocket - It was God who told me Joe was a superhero and that he did have very special power and ability and I could find it in 1 Corinthians 13. - I explained that this is a book in the Bible which talks all about love.  Then Sarah read out some actions and things we might do and asked for hands up if they showed love or not.  For each one I used a line from the Bible passage to say what love was or wasn't.  So we encouraged them to be superhero's for God and show loads of love and kindness to those around them.  To finish we sang I Love You and Sarah closed with a prayer.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Croftlands Junior School

This morning I went to Croftlands Junior School for the assembly.  It was my first visit since before Easter and it was great to see all the children again.  To start off the assembly we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger before I told the story of Ruth.  I did explain that Ruth is a small book in the Bible and can easily be missed if you flick through - but it is such an important story for many reasons.  As I told the story I displayed some pictures as well as explain some things too.  After the story I encouraged the children to follow the example of Ruth when she showed such love and kindness towards Naomi.  To close we sang I Love You before I said a short prayer.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

St Mary's RC Ulveston

This morning I was at St Mary's RC School in Ulverston.  To start off the assembly we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger before I told the story of Ruth.  I did explain that Ruth is a small book in the Bible and can easily be missed if you flick through - but it is such an important story for many reasons.  As I told the story I displayed some pictures as well as explain some things too.  After the story I encouraged the children to follow the example of Ruth when she showed such love and kindness towards Naomi.  To close we sang I Love You before I said a short prayer.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

St Peters

This morning I went to St Peters school for the assembly.  It was good to see all the children again.  To start off the assembly we sang Be Happy and the children spread out and joined in with all the actions.  I then displayed a number of pictures of super hero's and highlighted each of their special powers.  There was one picture of a boy Joe Smith and none of the children knew who he was or what special power or ability he had - then my phone rang (it was on silent) it was God who told me that Joe had something about him that was special, and I could read it in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.  So I then explained that what Joe had was love and he shared that with people and that pleases God.  I then read out a series of statements and asked the children to put their hand up if it showed love or not.  For each one I read out a phrase from 1 Corinthians 13 about love such as love is patient, love is kind etc.  After this we sang I Love You again (as we sang it last time) then I closed with a prayer. 

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon we went over to Crosthwaite School for the assembly.  It was so good to see the children following the Easter break.  The assembly started by singing Touch a Finger, I displayed a number of pictures of superhero's while Sarah explained their supper power.  Then Joe Smith I asked what is his special super power- just then the assembly was interrupted by my phone ringing - It was God - who told me that Joe was a special superhero and had a great power and that I could read all about it in 1Corintians 13:1-13.  Sarah then explained that the special power was love and she then read out different situations and asked the children to put up their hand if it was showing love or not - it was basically the Bible verse.  As each sentence was read out the children responded and each time I displayed what the Bible verse said.  After this we encouraged the children to show love to each other in all the things they do.  We then sang I Love You before Sarah closed with a prayer.

Low Furness School

This morning we went to Low Furness School for the assembly.  The theme was Love in the Bible a follow on from the last assembly.  I displayed a number of pictures of superhero's while Sarah explained their supper power.  Then Joe Smith I asked what is his special super power- just then the assembly was interrupted by my phone ringing - It was God - who told me that Joe was a special superhero and had a great power and that I could read all about it in 1Corintians 13:1-13.  Sarah then explained that the special power was love and she then read out different situations and asked the children to put up their hand if it was showing love or not - it was basically the Bible verse.  As each sentence was read out the children responded and each time I displayed what the Bible verse said.  After this we encouraged the children to show love to each other in all the things they do.  We then sang May the God of Hope before Sarah closed with a prayer.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Pennington School

This afternoon I went to Pennington school for the assembly.  After asking the children if they had had a good Easter since we haven't been since before the Easter break we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  I then told the story of Ruth using pictures to display the various aspects of the story.  I also paused a few times to fill in some other information as I went along.  After the story I explained that we should all try to follow the example of Ruth and do things to show love and kindness to other people.  To end we sang I Love You before I closed the assembly with a prayer.

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon Sarah and I went down to Penny Bridge Academy for the assembly.  It was great to see all the children again since the Easter break.  We started with God's Love is Bigger than a burger before I told the story of Ruth.  As I started I talked about how it is only a small book in the Bible but is so important and it is a love story - in many ways!  I used pictures to help tell the story and paused at a couple of places to explain things.  After the story Sarah did a recap of the main part and emphasised how much Ruth loved Naomi.  She then encouraged the children to do the same and help people out and show loving kindness to those around us.  To finish we sang I Love You before Sarah closed in a prayer.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Flookburgh School

This morning Sarah and I went down to Flookburgh School for the assembly.  It was so lovely to see all the children again, with the Easter break it seems so long since our last visit.  We started with God's Love is Bigger than a Burger then I told the story of Ruth to the children explaining that it is a very small book in the Bible which can all too easily been missed.  As I told the story I displayed some pictures as well as explaining a few points along the way.  I focused in on the love and kindness that Ruth showed towards Naomi.  After the story Sarah encouraged the children to be just like Ruth and show love and kindness to those around them.  To end we sang I Love You before Sarah closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

St Mary's Dalton

This morning I went to St Mary's Dalton for the assembly.  It was really good to see all the children again, it seems such a long time since I had visited with the Easter break.  We started with God's Love is Bigger than a Burger as I wanted to talk about love using the story of Ruth.  I told the story using pictures and as I went along I explained some things to the children.  After the story I explained that Ruth had been so loving and kind towards Naomi when she didn't really need to be as Naomi had offered her the chance to go home.  I did a quick recap of Easter only to explain that God loves us so much that he sent Jesus and we should show some of that love to others like Ruth did.  So I encouraged the children to try and do acts of kindness and show love to each other during their time in school as well as outside of school.  To finish we sang I Love You before saying a short prayer to close.

Lindal and Marton School

This morning I was at Lindal and Marton School for the assembly.  It was great to see all the children again after the Easter break.  To start the assembly off we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger as it was going to link in with the story I had for them today which was - Ruth.  After telling the story and displaying pictures I expanded what Ruth did in that she didn't need to work as she did for Naomi but she did please she loved her and wanted to show her kindness.  I briefly explained about how God shows his love to us in sending Jesus and encouraged the children to share some of that love with others by showing kindness.  I gave a few examples of how they could do that like holding a door open, giving someone a smile when they are feeling down - simple things.  To close we sang I Love You then I finished with a prayer.