Wednesday 17 May 2017

Lindale School

This morning I went to Lindale School for the assembly. It was before Easter that I last saw all the children so it was great to see them all again today.  To start we sang Be Happy, I then followed the set theme which was about choices and I was asked to tell the Adam and Eve story which I did in my special way which got the children laughing - I hope it also got them thinking about the choices they sometimes make.  Afterwards I talked a little about some of the big things we face like should I steal such and such just because my friend tells me to, or should I hang out with that group who get into trouble.  I encouraged the children to think about what they do and to ask for help from teachers, people at home and of course God.  I rounded it off with linking to the song Shine.  After the song I closed with a prayer.

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