Wednesday 4 December 2019

Dalton St Marys School

This morning Sarah and I went to do our Christmas assembly for the children at Dalton St Marys School.  It was great to see all the children again.  Sarah started off the assembly by asking who had had chocolate for breakfast - we did get a few different responses such as they had chocolate spread on toast, and Coco Pops - but in the end we got to the Advent bit which is what Sarah was asking about.  Having explained a little about what Advent is about, she handed over to me to explain a bit more about Christmas.  To help me I used the word Christmas printed on a slip of paper and started to one by one remove letters from it starting with the s then the a, m and finally t leaving just the word Chris.  Each letter I removed I asked if the children could suggest something that was part of Christmas that started with that letter so we had things like snow, Santa, Advent, mince pies, tree etc.  I reminded the children that all of these are part of Christmas but they are not the only things that make Christmas if they were then Christmas won't be Christmas.  I then started to restore Christmas pushing and folding the pieces together dropping one as I did so which generated a laugh from the children -then much to their surprise Christmas was all back together and the bit on the floor -well that was another slip of paper which said Happy Birthday Jesus.  Sarah then drew this bit to a close by talking about why we celebrate Christmas before introducing our song Rejoice with Us. After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

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