Tuesday, 3 December 2019

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I went to do our Christmas assembly for the children of St Peters School.  It was great to see all the children again.  Sarah started by asking if the children had had chocolate before breakfast - loads of hands went up.  So Sarah questioned the children further by asking why? - because it's Christmas came one reply, another it's advent.  She then explained a little about what Advent is and what it means before I did my tear and restore Christmas illusion and as I removed a letter from the word Christmas first the s then a, m, t leaving Chris left I asked the children to suggest what from Christmas began with each letter so we had Santa, snow, stable, advent, angel, manger, Mary etc  Once I went to restore the word a piece fell to the floor - which brought about a laugh however as I revealed the restore word the bit on the floor was picked up and out to read Happy Birthday Jesus which is the reason we have Christmas.  Sarah then explored this theme a bit more with the children before we sang Rejoice with us.  Sarah then finished with a prayer.

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