Monday, 18 February 2013

Broughton School

This morning Sarah and I went over to Broughton School.  After singing Inright Outright with the children I told them a story from the Old Testament.  It was the calling of Samuel.  I started to read it from the Loin Storyteller Bible but then acted out the rest of the story for the children like Samuel was asleep so I rested my head on the book for a pillow, when he heard his name I rushed to the side of the hall and pretended to be Eli who was snoring (which brought a laugh) this continued until Samuel sat up and spoke back to God and told him he was listening.  Sarah then talked to the children about talking and listening to God and how we don't need to use fancy words but that we can simple tell God how we are feeling and talk to him as we would to our family, teachers friends etc.  Following this we sang Wonderful Lord and during the instrumental part I asked the children to close their eyes and gave them some pointers as to how they might chat to God.  We then ended with a prayer.

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