Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon I spent a joyful half hour or so driving up over Gummers How to Crosthwaite school to be welcomed by an even sunny reception from the children.  Once they had all settle down in the hall we sang Be Happy together.  The theme for the assembly was once again Humility and I once again told the Dr Seuss story of Yertle the Turtle.  Then as I explained what a parable was I went on to tell the story of the Tax Collector and the Pharisee, and as I have done in the past I really played the Pharisee part BIG.  When I asked the Jesus who might we then see in heaven the reply was the Tax Collector and when I asked why the reply came back because he was the one that said sorry.  I then explained that he was humble before God and to fully explain this I showed the picture of Jesus washing the feet of his followers.  The children might have left feeling a bit puzzled had I not explained why feet washing happened in Jesus day.  I wanted to emphasise the idea of being humble and not brag or boast about things we do and so as I was talking I spotted a chair left out from lunchtime so I picked it up then went to the teacher and bragged to her about how good I was for moving the chair - this was of course the wrong thing to do - yes it was good to move the chair and put it away without being asked that was being a servant but to then brag about it was wrong.  I think the children got the point.  To finish we sang Shine as I encouraged the children to Shine from the inside out.  Then to close I said a short prayer.

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