Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I were at Low Furness School for the assembly.  The theme was curiosity, the school are looking at Christian values at the moment so themes for assemblies are reflecting this.  So after singing Creator God Sarah introduced the theme while I got some props and a power point ready.  I had put two balloons on a stick and held it in the middle.  One balloon said Faith the other Science.  The idea was that faith and science should balance each other.  But when one of the balloons is popped that balance changes.  I burst the faith balloon so naturally the balance was out.  I talked about how science can show us the How of things like how spiders web's are made, or what a snowflake looks like and I asked the question - How you ever looked at the night sky and been curious as to how many stars there are?  The thing is we do need a balance and as much as science can tell us the how of things Faith tells us the Why.  Why we are here, Why the world is here, etc.  So to restore the balance I also burst the science balloon.  Sarah add that to go with curiosity we need wisdom as it is good to be curious but we need to have wisdom as well.  Sarah then said a prayer to conclude that part of the assembly then we sang Shine.

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