Thursday 22 May 2014

Leven Valley School

This morning I went alone to Leven Valley School as Sarah was involved at Low Furness School doing something for Ascension Day (which is next week during half term).  After singing Be Happy I once again told the Dr Seuss story of Yertle the Turtle.  I then retold the Tax Collector and Pharisee story.  The theme being about Humility.  I once again talked about Jesus washing the disciples feet and about how we should follow his example - not foot washing but being a servant to others.  I then moved a chair that had been left out and explained that by doing it I was being a servant now if I had left it at that then I would have been humble as well but I then started to brag about it to a teacher which was boastful and not being humble.  I then said that when we do serve others and do things humbly we can Shine from the inside out, which was a cue for a song - Shine.  At the end of the song a said a prayer to close.

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