Monday, 12 May 2014

Penny Bridge School

This afternoon we went over to Penny Bridge School.  The year 6 girls were in dance mode as they had been putting together a dance to a sing which they wanted to perform to us after the assembly.  We started with Be Happy and then Sarah went on to tell part of a Dr Seuss story called Yertle the Turtle.  He fancied being top dog or turtle and so ordered people around until he had a throne of turtles upon which he could start, except it wasn't high enough so he ordered more turtles to make the throne higher.  However the bottom turtle burped which shook the stack of turtles and Yertle landed in the mud.  Instead of biging himself up he should have been humble.  This linked to the story Jesus told about the tax collector and the Pharisee.  The Pharisee bragged before God of how great he was and how thankful he was that he wasn't a tax collector, meanwhile the tax collector couldn't even lift his eyes to the Lord as he asked for forgiveness for what he had done wrong.  The tax collector was the one who showed humility, and like Jesus when he got down to wash the disciples feet we should be prepared to be the servant of people and be humble as we seek to serve others.  I then displayed the verse that says the first shall be last and the last shall be first and explained what that means.  Sarah then concluded with a prayer.  The year 6 girls then did their dance.

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