Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Coniston Primary School

This afternoon Sarah and I with Vic and Tommy have been to Coniston Primary School to do our transition assembly and then our lesson for the year 6 children.  Our assembly is all about Daniel and him moving to Babylon where he sees new things, hears new things is faced with new places to go and has to find his way around (a bit like going to a new school)but he knew that God was with him and looking out for him and protecting him.  Daniel obeyed God and as a result rose to a high place within the palace.  We told the story with a short drama and then Vic summed up some of the things that were said in the drama to link them to moving on into secondary school.  Sarah then linked it even more by introducing our song Great Big God - he holds us in his hands.  After the song Sarah closed the assemble with a prayer.  After the assembly we worked with the 8 year 6 children and talked to them about some of the BIG issues they might face at their new schools.  We gave them all a book to read which should help them to make the move.

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