Friday, 8 July 2016

Leven Valley School

On Thursday morning we went to do our final assembly of the year at Leven Valley School.  To start off we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  We then retold the Daniel story and used 4 children to play the parts of Daniel and friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.  I told the story and played the part of a Babylonian too.  We basically did the drama we have done in several schools over the last few weeks and Sarah fed the lines to Daniel as I retold the story.  Sarah then at the end explained that year 6 children will be moving on to a big new school and they too will be a bit like Daniel as he had to get use to a new place - maybe got lost a few times, had new things to learn like the language, experienced new sounds and smells too.  She encouraged the children by explaining that God would be with them as he was with Daniel.  She also said that no matter if you are up high in a tall building or deep deep in the sea God is there looking after us as he holds us in his hands - cue song Great Big God.  After the song Sarah closed with a prayer.

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