Wednesday 20 July 2016

St Peters School

This morning we went to St Peters School for the assembly.  It was our last assembly of the school year with them we decided to follow up from the assembly we did previously and talk about the three friends of Daniel - that is Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.  I told the story using some pictures and as I went along I asked the children some questions too.  Then I reminded them of the verse we had given them from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go.  I explained that God would be with them as they went on up the school and off to a new school in the case of the year 6 children.  To start the assembly we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger and to close it we sang the Chicken Dance as a special treat to the year 6 children.  Sarah then said a prayer to finish. 

Then at 12:00 we had been invited by the year 6 children to their leavers lunch - it was a Star Wars themed lunch with picture displayed around the room, the theme tunes playing in the back ground.  The children had decided what they wanted to have and we finished it off with Star Wars themed ginger bread people and rice cake.  Sarah and I had a great time, it was lovely to be invited and feel a part of their end of year celebrations.

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