Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I made our first visit of the new term to Crosthwaite School.  It was so great to see all the children and staff again after so long - it seemed ages since we were last there.  To start off the assembly we sang Be Happy I then lifted a number of odd items out of a bag and asked some of the younger children to hold them for me.  I explained that something links them all together - I had a hard hat, wet suit, snow boots, gardening gloves etc the link was they all help protect us.  Sarah then read the story of Jesus calming the storm.  I then explained the link between the story and the items, all the items protect us in some way and Jesus also protects us - you see the disciples were in the boat when the storm started and they called to Jesus for help.  In life we sometimes face difficult times and we go up and down a bit like in a storm, so I encouraged the children to do as the disciples did and call out help to Jesus.  Sarah told about Grace doing just that before a lesson and she really enjoyed the lesson, answering questions and things.  We closed with Wonderful Lord and Sarah said a prayer.

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