Thursday, 24 November 2016

St Mary's Dalton

On Wednesday morning Sarah and I visited St Mary's Dalton School for the assembly.  We decided to do our God's Love assembly so we were going to sing God's Love is Bigger than a Burger sung - which we had sung last time when we did the OCC assembly - so I talked a little about the shoe boxes and thanked the children for their contribution towards it this year.  After the song Sarah told the children about Millie her cat and how she would spend time sleeping and resting on Sarah's knee until one day she was quite happy on her knee jumped down walked across the room did a massive poo on the floor and came back to Sarah for more snuggle time.  She had made a right mess on Sarah's new carpet.  Sarah got to thinking about this and we are like that with God - he loves us and wants the best for us and we make a mess (we don't poo on the carpet though) and God will love us just the same as before.  She then told the story of the prodigal son and how he wasted all his fathers money and then went to feed the pigs.  He decided to go home and work for his dad as a servant but his dad was waiting for him with wide open arms.  God is like that father and his love is bigger than anything we could ever possibly imagine.  I then displayed John 3:16 and talked about Jesus coming to earth at Christmas time and how he lived upon earth and died on a cross for us - that shows us just how much God loves us.  This linked to the final song Inright Outright.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

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