Friday, 4 November 2016

St Peters School

This morning I was once again at St Peters School this time for an OCC assembly.  We had forgotten about it on Wednesday when we visited the school, we should have done it a few weeks ago but we had to cancel that assembly.  To start the assembly we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  I then talked about shoe boxes and how they can have a big impact on the lives of children, I recalled a few stories of children receiving their boxes and the reaction they had - I wanted to show a video clip but with my main computer not working the old one I have been using wouldn't display the clip.  I went through what to put into a box as well as what not to put it.  I explained about the £3.00 cost as well.  I then got the children to sing Shine explaining that when we fill a shoe box with good things we are also filling it with love so we are shinning out God's love.  After the song I said a short prayer.

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