Monday 10 September 2012

Pennington School

This morning for our first assembly of the year we sang Great Big Gog to get back into the swing of things.  We decided to talk about working together as a team.  We used an idea from one of Aesop's Fables about body parts working together and how one part can't say they won't do something as that affects the whole body.  Sarah read the little story and I showed some pictures.  It was a simple story about how the hands, feet, teeth etc didn't want to give the stomach any food because he didn't do anything.  But then in time the hands couldn't move the legs didn't work and the stomach said it is because you don't feed me anymore.  It demonstrated just how important it is for all parts to work together.  I then talked to the children about how we should love and respect one another and how we are all like pieces in a big jig-saw puzzle.  I used the verse Jesus used about 'Love one another as I have loved you'  Being a jig-saw piece means we need to help each other out as well like helping the missing piece of the school - reception class.  I asked the children what they could do when reception came into school and I got some great answers back from the children.  Sarah then finished off and we sang So many ways and concluded with a prayer.

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