Thursday 4 October 2012

BX Lesson 4 Broughton

I can't believe it lesson 4 already.  Today went over to the year 5/6 class at Broughton.  They were excited to see me again as always they were asking what the stories were going to be about.  It didn't take long for them to settle in to the recap of last lesson and to run through the hand signs from creation up to Ruth.  Last lesson they had been left on a cliff hanger not knowing who the other person was - it was Samuel of course.  One little girl guessed who it was by looking in my model bible at the next book after Ruth.  So the story went through from Samuel and Eli, on to Saul and then David and finally coming to Solomon the last king of the united kingdom.  I explained that the kingdom split in half well the north was the bigger half and then there was the awe at the end when I said that next week I'll finish the story off.  At the end the headteacher who had stayed in the lesson commented on the awe and on how much the children had enjoyed the lessons she sent them out to play and prepared to go through the work books with them.  A great time.

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