Wednesday 10 October 2012

BX Lesson 5 Crosthwaite

Had a great afternoon with the children over at Crosthwaite School.  It was lesson 5 of Bible Explorer which has one of my favourite Bible stories in the story of Esther.  To start the lesson off I recalled the books we have covered so far in the previous weeks then went over the hand signs.  I also asked if the children knew how many hand signs they thought we still had to do.  So as the hand signs for week 4 came to an end with the North - South, Israel - Judah, 19 - 20, 0-8 I reminded the children what that meant.  I went back to my model Bible to show the children some of the other books like the books of the prophets and explained what a prophet was.  So at the start of this weeks hand signs we have 'Prophets Speak' and we move into the scattering of the nation of Israel and the exile of the nation of Judah.  This week we also cover the story of Daniel as well as the Esther story.  Then as we move through the return of the exiles and the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem and the temple and the walls we close the Old Testament with 400 years of silence as we await the coming of Christ.  There was the biggest awe from the class as I announced that the lessons had now finished.  The class had one final task to do and that was all the hand signs from start to finish.  I gave them all their certificates to mark them finishing Bible Explorer.

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