Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Low Furness School - a square, a cross and faith???

This morning Sarah and I went to Low Furness School.  The theme for the assembly was family, however we did the assembly with the square to cross and Jesus healing the man lowered down through the roof.  So to start we sang Giant of Faith then I told the story using the prop.  The children laughed as I repeated several times certain parts of the story.  Finally I made the square into a cross because the story said that Jesus told the man his sins had been forgiven which caused a bit of an uproar with the crowd listening to Jesus, and as we know Jesus also told the man to pick up his bed and walk.  So the cross was a reminder that Jesus did die for us on a cross and therefore we linked back to Easter.  Sarah then linked what the four friends did to family by talking to the children that at school we are a family and we should help people out like the 4 men did in the story.  She also brought in about faith and the faith the men had in Jesus to heal there friend.  We sang Shine at the end because Sarah had mentioned that we should shine from the inside out during her talk.  At the end I said a prayer.

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