Wednesday 27 February 2019

Burlington School

This morning I went over to do the assembly at Burlington School.  I started with an illustration that needed three people.  I asked them to pick a numbered card 1-4 which they did, I then gave them the choice to swap the card they had with another one - I did tell them beforehand that someone out the front was going to walk away with a bag full of sweets.  They decided to keep their cards, next I gave them a coloured numbered of their numbered choice which then represented a coloured bag - except I got the bag with all the sweets - I pointed out that they did have a chance to swap cards at first.  This linked into the telling of the parable the wise and foolish man - the wise man built his house on a good solid firm foundation while the foolish man built on sand.  Then when the rain, wind and storm came the foolish man lost his house and the wise man's house stood firm.  I pointed out that Jesus spoke in parables all the time and they are earthly stories that have a heavenly meaning.  I encouraged the children to make good choices and to build their lives on a firm foundation and following Jesus is the best way of doing that - this links with the line in the song Be Happy that says I'll follow Jesus 'til the day I drop.  After singing this song I closed with a prayer.

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