Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon I have been over to Crosthwaite School for the assembly.  I didn't start with a song as I had a little illustration to do which was all about the theme of the assembly which was - Making Choices.  I asked for three children to help me out and asked them to pick a playing card I had an ace, a two, a three and a four.  Once they had done that I gave them the choice to swap their card with mine or someone else's they chose to keep the card they had.  I had pointed out to them that someone up front was going to get a big bag of sweets at the end.  Next I took out a bag of coloured numbered disc's and gave each child the disc of their chosen number, which in turn matched the colour of a bag except my bag had all the sweets in it and the others only had a few - wrong choice I said as the children sat down.  I linked this to the parable Jesus told of the wise and foolish man one built a strong house on the sand while the other built on rock - then as the rain and storm came the house on the sand fell flat.  I encouraged the children to make good choices in like and to build on a firm solid foundation such as Jesus was referring to in the heavenly meaning of the parable.  We then sang Be Happy as it has the line I'll follow Jesus 'til the day I drop - which is a good solid thing to do a good foundation.  After the song I said a short prayer and as I won't be seeing the children until after Easter as a treat we sang the Chicken Dance.

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