Friday 11 January 2019

BX NT Lesson 1 St Pauls Barrow

This afternoon I was at St Pauls in Barrow teaching year 5 and then year 6 during their RE lesson the New Testament Bible Explorer.  I firstly explained a bit about the Bible and how there are some many different ways we can read it by showing them my collect of Bibles.  We then got onto looking at the Bible as if it is a library using my model Bible.  I then explained about the prophets from the Old Testament and how they had talked about a saviour and also why we need one referencing back to Adam and Eve story.  This set me up ready to start  to tell the story of Jesus.  To cover the main events of the Christmas story I used three short video clips, Mary and Josephs story, the shepherds and then the wise men.  I then placed markers in the room which located the places in the New Testament such as Bethlehem, Nazareth, River Jordan.  I covered the families trip to Jerusalem when Jesus was 12 and fast forwarded to his baptism by John.  To set up the John story I rewound to explain how and where he fitted in to the story.  I ended with Jesus in the wilderness having been tempted.  Next week we shall hear about his early teaching and the choosing of the disciples. 

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